***RARE SECOND CHANCE TO SAVE SCARED SENIOR - PLEASE MAKE IT COUNT!!!*** ***SAD SENIOR GIRL DUMPED AFTER OLD OWNER WAS HOSPITALIZED - PLEASE GRANT MOOKIE A DEATH ROW PARDON!!!*** Long-haired black & white beauty MOOKIE, a ten-year-old senior girl, was callously tossed into the high-kill ACC like yesterdays newspaper when her old owner had to enter the hospital. Mookie is obviously grieving the loss of her beloved owner & doesnt feel like making nice to the scary fake hand used as an ACC cat behavioral assessment tool, so she retreated & hissed, although she DID allow herself to be stroked. In spite of that, the heartless ACC smacked this poor scared older gal with New Hope Only & fast-tracked her to tomorrows noon kill list. This dear older girl will settle down as soon as shes out of the ACC hellhole. Mookie also caught their ACC kitty cold, but thats STILL no reason for a death sentence! Please step up tonight for this scared senior. Start RIGHT NOW to apply to foster or adopt senior MOOKIE from the approved New Hope rescue groups! If you cant save MOOKIE yourself, please SHARE her sad story & PLEDGE for her rescue!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 23:57:00 +0000

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