RASHID MOHAMMED ODM YOUTH LEADER ORANGE HOUSE NRB. I wish to share the dissatisfaction of loyal ODM party members from the larger western province of Kenya concerning the appointment of Hon Ababu Namwamba as the proposed party Secretary General. As the National Youth Leader of the party and a strong supporter of ODM, I am of the opinion that the integrity of the party has been lost by letting Hon Namwamba take over this leadership position. He has often gone against the party’s policies and decisions openly and to quote the words of the party leader at a previous function regarding such stands “you are either with us or you are with them “. Hon Namwambas appointment has come as a big shock to party officials, members and supporters from western provinces who feel betrayed by last week’s proposals by the NEC. We have also observed a number of MPs who have openly agreed to work with the jubilee government support the appointment of Hon Namwamba, this completely compromises the integrity of the party and if this decision is not reversed then the western province support for ODM may be forced to look elsewhere and build a political front that will champion for democracy, loyalty but most importantly a political front that will never compromise the integrity of the party and its members. On behalf of the ODM youth wing and the larger western province I would like to appeal to the NEC to consider reversing their decision because I believe ODM is still the party to beat in the forth coming general election and we need to consolidate our support base in order to come back to government. We understand that a decision made by the top brass of any political party may not be popular but ultimately it may be for the greater good, but in this case, the decision made by NEC of ODM was unpopular and there is no good that will come out of this. As a matter of urgency and in view of the outcry from party members and supporters over the inclusion of Mr. Namwamba in the list, I would urge our party leader to convene another meeting of the NEC for the decision to be reversed and help build a stronger ODM that will be led by loyalists and not double- speakers. Regards RASHID MOHAMMED (ODM YOUTH LEADER)
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 06:57:44 +0000

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