RAVEN: Staw comez herez. STARTZ squealing with laughter STAR: - TopicsExpress


RAVEN: Staw comez herez. STARTZ squealing with laughter STAR: gets up from her favorite spot in the sun Dis Betterz be goodz! What iz it, Waven?. RAVEN: LAUGHING SO HARD SHE CAN HARDLY CONTAIN HERSELF. Staw.....heheheheheheheheheheehe...I was doin da butt wiggle aewobics an I fawtzted hehehehehehehehehehehehe when I squeezed my butt cheekz together and watch * Squeezez her butt cheeks together and glitter BBs started Shooting out. STAR: OUCH! RAVEN: SORWYZ STAWZ STAR: picks up the little ball! Dat iz pawesome Waven! We canz have wotz of fun wit diz...STAR: Squeezes her cheeks together as tight as possible and Multicolored BBs go flying out. Both girls star squeeling with laughter. RAVEN: JUST WAIT TIL DOSE GHOST HUNTING BOZOZ COME! Star: WAVEN.......Somebody iz twying to getz in. MAINTENANCE...IM HERE TO CHECK THE AC. STAR: whispers dere iz nuffin wong wiff our AC RAVEN: Snickers I know dat....STAR: YOU CALLED DEM?? RAVEN: Yes. STAR:WHY? RAVEN: CUZ IM BORED AN HUNGWY. STAR: GOOD POINTZ The two girls come out of the room and watched the man get into the vent. STAR: Helwoz Mista, whatcha doin? MAN: CHECKING YOUR AC VENTS STAR: WHY? MAN: To see why your AC isnt working. Is your Mommy and Daddy home. RAVEN: We dont know where dey survived. MAN: BUMPS HIS HEAD AS HE TRIES TO BACK OUT.....WHAT??? He stares at the two little girls in their poofy dresses bonnets and bloomers. He stands in shock....Holy smokes! Bill was right the place is haunted. Good grief! ones gray and ones black....did you two get caught in a burning building.....STAR: Yes...it was cauze a maintenance guy came in to fooxx da AC AND CWOSSED DA WIREZ WONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Raven: LET OUT HER LAWN MOWER GROWL AND BOTH GIRLS SHOWED THEIR TEETH. The man noticed the glowing yellow eyes inside the bonnets. He was creeped out by Ravens one eye. He whispered I hope they dont bite me. Ummmmm......I am.....s s s s sorry to hear about that! I I I I I d d d d d didnt do it! I I I I promise STAR: Youz verwy Fawrticulwouz!!!!!! Both girlz giggle....MAN: You mean ARticuLATE STAR: I KNOWZ WHAT I MEAN!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BOZO!!!!!!! WERE HUNGWY!!!! MAN: Dont eat me!!!!!!! RAVEN: Ewwww Misser ewwwwww!!!!!!!!!! RAVEN AND STAR: Start to cry......we waz at da house waiting furz Mommy an Daddy to bwing da dinner home cuz we waz celwebwating ourz birfdayz an we never gotzted our food.....the two girls were hugging and crying.....MAN: Starts slowly backing towards the door....STOP WIGHT DERE BOZO! STAR SOBBED. Youz owez uz a pawty an foodz!!!!!!! WEZ WANTZ A PINK AN POOPLE CAKEZ AN BWOONZ AN PWEZENTZ AN POOZAZ AN SMUBZ! Ifz youz are a good boyz youz can get yerself sumpin! MAN: Hey Im not your dad! RAVEN: Bore her teeth and did her lawnmower growl! YOUZ BETTER GET ON TOP OF IT ! Star shoves a flyer at him from a catering company ......CALL DEM! DEY PWOMISE TO BE HEREZ IN AN HOUR!!!!!!!.we haz couponz fur da food! LISTEN YOU TWO I HAVE NO MONEY!!!! STAR: WIAR WIAR CAUGHT OUR HOUZE ON FIAR CUZ YOUZ DOEZ NOT KNOWZ HOW TO CUTZ DA WIARZ!!!!!!!!!!!! STAR REARED TOWARDZ THE GUY SNORTING FUROCIOUSLY! GIIIIIIIVE UZZZZZ OUR PAWTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAVEN: WAVED HER ARMZ : SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! The man held his ears! OKAY! OKAY!. I WILL GET YOU YOUR PARTY!!!!! The man called the catering company and the pizza shop The party people will be here in one hour and the pizza in 45 minutes. The two girls squealed with delight and started dancing around. MAN: IT....UH ...WAS A PLEASURE BUT I MUST BE GOING THE GIRLS RAN OVER TO THE DOOR AND LEANED AGAINST IT RAVEN: NO WAY MISSER! CUZ YOU WILL WEAVEZ AN CANCEL!!!!!!! MAN:.Do you mean I have to stay here for an hour??. The girls both nodded. MAN: OKAY UH CAN I AT LEAST WATCH TELEVISION OR SOMETHING??? Raven: PULLED OUT ARISTOCATS WEZ GONNA WATCH DIS! STAR : came out of the bedroom with their Mommys Fairy Costume and slippers that she wore last year for Halloween....If notz you hazza wear diz an take uz Twick or Tweating! MAN: ITS ONLY JULY! STAR: Bore her teeth! MAN: OKAY OKAY ! ITS TRICK OR TREAT NIGHT! The two girls squealed with delight and started dancing around An hour later the pizza wings and the catering company were at the apartment. MAN: HE RAN OUT THE DOOR LIKE GREASED LIGHTENING. The catering guy took off after him and drug him back...YOU CANT DO THAT!!! I WILL CALL CPS ON YOU!!!! The man stayed with the girls until they were done eating.....RAVEN: TWICK OR TWEAT TIME!!!! The two girls started dancing around MAN: Sighs me and my big mouth. People enjoyed the humor and cuteness and the two girls came home with pillow cases full of goodies. They had money and fruit and toys and all sorts of goodies. STAR AND RAVEN: Climbed on the exhausted mans lap and both hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. A sense of warmth and guilt flowed through the man. STAR: It was fun Misser. She gave him her bag of goodies MAN: FOR MEEEEEEE? BOTH GIRLS SMILED UH HUH! MAN: If you two are good we will do this again sometime. Both girls: OKAYZ. Pweaze hep uz when da Bozo ghost hunter guys come MAN: smiles and points Its a deal!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 22:01:47 +0000

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