RE: $9.3M ARMS DEAL AND ORITSEJAFOR CONNECTION ...EVEN THE GRANDILOQUENT PASTOR CHRIS OKOTIE DISSES CAN PRESIDENT “Not that it is a sin to be the President’s pal, but when such relationship becomes provocatively patronizing, or self-serving, it is unacceptable. The pastor does not show restraint in the way he goes about, publicly hobnobbing with the President as if he is the Chaplain of Aso Rock. This certainly has compromised the integrity of his office as CAN President and his latest incident is just the climax of embarrassing incidents we can’t tolerate any longer... ...Considering the collateral damage Pastor Ayo’s close relationship with the President has done to the Christian community, it is fit and proper for the pastor to resign immediately as CAN President to salvage what remains of the battered image of the association... ...This is without prejudice to the ongoing investigation on the matter. Denials of his culpability by the Federal Government, CAN official and his own recent defense, do nothing to reduce the moral burden this whole saga places on his shoulders. As the titular leader of Christians in Nigeria, there’s now a serious crisis of confidence on his leadership and he ought to respond to it by resigning from his exalted position.”
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 10:57:38 +0000

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