RE: ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) For - TopicsExpress


RE: ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) For those who have children in ACSI Christian Schools, or know those who do, please be sure to inquire about how your local Christian schools are dealing with Common Core. The following is of much concern regarding ACSI USA (and their Christian schools throughout the U.S.) regarding a public response posting, in May, by ACSI USA on their Facebook page: KMG: "I am dissapointed to learn from your website that you are partnering with McGraw-Hill in the Terra Nova standardized testing which is linked to Common Core. I would like to encourage you to do more research on the Common Core and all of the strings attached. The Common Core curriculum for sure goes against Christian values. I am pulling my children from their Christian school because they feel ACSI protects their privacy and serves at their best interest. Obviously you are not if you are aligning with Common Core." ACSI USA: "Thank you for your message, Kimberlee. ACSI has read and thoroughly evaluated the Common Core State Standards, and we do not endorse them or encourage our member schools to do so. We do partner with TerraNova for testing, but all test vendors are aligning their standards with the Common Core since 45 states have adopted the standards. As an association, we do not enter into highly politicized discussions on topics like the Common Core. That said, we do believe the common core standards are less about philosophical positioning and more about universal educational standards that are applicable worldwide. Most of our member schools’ curriculum meet or exceed Common Core standards and have since before the Common Core came into existence. Our position is to encourage Christian schools to: • Make themselves aware of the CCSS and whether their state has adopted them • Review the school’s curricula to see to what degree it generally matches, exceeds, or falls short of the CCSS standards • Ensure that the philosophical foundations of Christian education are used to evaluate the CCSS, and be able to articulate those distinctions • Not adopt CCSS as a wholesale benchmark for curricular quality in their school • Use the standards as an informational piece regarding the national and global educational context in which we are preparing our students." ------------------------- "That said, we do believe the common core standards are less about philosophical positioning and more about universal educational standards that are applicable worldwide." (via ACSI USA). This statement by ACSI USA is very concerning, shocking, especially by a Christian education organization who should know better, especially that education is not value/philosophy-neutral. Respectfully, they truly need to do their homework.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 15:45:19 +0000

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