RE: CUMUTO/MANZANILLA STANDS FIRM WITH THE UNC As the MP for Cumuto/Manzanilla, I will join with the chairman and members of the Cumuto/Manzanilla Constituency executive and the councilors and aldermen who represent electoral districts within my constituency on the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation to distance ourselves from the action taken by councilors Dayne Francois, Lawrence Lalla and Quincy Luces announced recently…. We are firmly committed to the vision and ideals of the United National Congress and the People’s Partnership Government led by our distinguished and hardworking Prime Minister Honorable Kamla Persad-Bissessar. While we acknowledge people’s right to choose, we regret that they, Having been elected on a UNC ticket, now decided to join another party. I want to publicly refute allegations of lack of representation made against the MP for Cumuto/Manzanilla by a member of the trio. The rapid development of infrastructure and social assistance to constituents in Cumuto/Manzanilla over the past three years are evidence of good representation by the MP and his committed councilors. I wish to assure the people of Cumuto/Manzanilla that their MP along with Councilor Annand Soodeen (Manzanilla); Councilor Patricia Harris(Sangre Grande South); Councilor Nirmal Singh(Cumuto/Tamana); Councilor Ravi Lakhan(Vega De Oropouche); Councilor Glen Ram(Biche/Charuma) and alderman Rewatee Barnwell are committed to improve the lives of constituents and the development of Cumuto/Manzanilla as well as the greater Sangre Grande area. We have no doubt that the United National Coungress and the PP government remain the only political vehicle to achieve that goal.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 14:13:08 +0000

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