RE-ELECT PRESIDENT GOODLUCK JONATHAN/ ARC.NAMADI SAMBO FOR 2015President Good luck Jonathan keeps hispromisesPres ident Good luck Jonathan is a performerPresid ent Good luck Jonathan is fightingcorrupt ion courageouslyPre sident Good luck Jonathan is humble to afaultPresident Good luck Jonathan NEVER plays tothe gallery, neither does he engage ingovernance by dramaPresident Good luck Jonathan is never afraidof bringing into his government technocratsor persons that are more knowledgeable thanhimself. He does not feel threatened by thesepersons.He is focused and firm on what he hopes toachieve.He does not appear DESPERATE for political oreconomic power. He is very approachable andlikeableHe is not vindictive. He is always consultingand building consensus to carry everysegment of the country alongAbove all, hes a listening and very hardworking President. Below are some of hisaccomplishme nt: -2ND NIGER BRIDGE (ASABA/ ONITSHA)AWARDED TO JULIUS BERGER AFTER 50 YEARSZENGERU POWER PROJECT NIGER STATEAWARDED AFTER 32 YEARSLAGOS /IBADAN EXPRESSWAY (OGUN/ OYO/ LAGOS STATE) AWARDED TO JULIUS BERGERAFTER 35 YEARSORE—BENIN EXPRESSWAY COMPLETEDEAST-W EST ROAD TO BE COMPLETED 2014ABUJA- LOKOJA ROAD TO BE COMPLETED 2014KEFFI/ LAFIA, MAKURDI/ OTURKPO,NINTH MILEENUGU DUAL ROAD TO BE COMPLETED 2014LAGOS --- KANO RAILWAY RECONSTRUCTIONCOMPLETEDP ORTHARCOURT-- MAIDUGURI RAILWAYRECONSRU CTION TO BE COMPLETED BY DEC2013GOODLUCK JONATHAN LEADERSHIP HASBROUGTH ABOUT A FREE/ INDEPENDENTJUDICIARY SINCE INDEPENDENCEThe revolution taking place in terms ofinfrastructur e reconstruction andrehabilitati on has not been seen anywhere inAfrica. These are in the area of roadconstructio n that is taking place massivelynation wide. AND INVESTING N3 BILLION NAIRAIN NOLLYWOOD TO BOOST THE ENTERTAINMENTIN DUSTRY.Signing of the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACTINTO LAW THEREBY Making NIGERIANS ANDTHE NIGERIAN MEDIA ONE OF THE FREEST IN THEWORLD AND SALARY INCREASE OF 53% IN 2010MAKING THE NIGERIAN WORKER QUITECOMFORTABL E.GIVING HANDSOME REWARD TO THE SUPEREAGLES FOR WINNING THE AFRICAN CUP OFNATIONS AFTER 19 YEARS TO FURTHERCHALLENG E THE EAGLES TO ASPIRE HIGHERAirport reconstruction and remodeling takingplace nationwide. Railway line reconstructiona nd rehabilitation with Lagos to Kanocompleted and functional. The Portharcourt toMaiduguri railway line will be coming onstream by year end.Seaport construction and expansion ofexisting ones. E.g. Warri port Delta State, Baro-Niger State, Kogi, Calabar, Onne, Owerri,Onitsha etc.Building of TEN new power plantsimultaneo usly that will significantly boastpower supply in the country not forgettingthe transparent privatization in that sectorwithout any controversy that will lead tomassive investment and power facilityupgrade that will be beneficial to the entirenation.Un iversity education is now more readilyaccessib le by Nigerians with TEN newuniversities approved and functional. Inaddition, billions of naira is being expendedon primary and post primary education toassist the entire states of the federation.Thes e are in the building of new primary andpost primary school classrooms and also forthe acquisition of textbook which has beendistributed to aid learning at this level.Almagiri school not excluded.EDUCAT IONTEN NEW FEDERAL UNIVERSITIESLOC ATIONS----KA TSINA, KANO(POLICEUNIV ERSITY WUDIL), ZAMFARA, TARABA,GOMBE, YOBE, KOGI, EKITI,EBONYI AND BAYELSASTATES.A LMAGIRI SCHOOLSNUMBERS- ----295 +LOCATION----NO R THERN NIGERIAThe agricultural revolution currently on goingin Nigeria is commendable with the attendantremova l of corruption from the acquisitionand distribution of fertilizers. Food security isthe security of Nigeria.Preside nt Good luck Jonathan has todaychanged the bad attitude and mentality ofmost Nigerian politicians and voters. This hehas done through the conduct of free and fairelection all over the country. Edo and Ondostates are appetizers, there are more to come.His Presidency has stabilize the polity andfoster integration, Progress in the image ofNigeria abroad and Progress in emergencymanage ment (Flood control).With President Goodluck Jonathan, election inNigeria will be one of the best in the worldthereby taking away the do or die nature ofour politicians and followers.Today , the Boko Haram insurgency has beenreduced to occasional ambush tactics therebyputting them on the back foot. Other forms ofviolent crimes and criminality likekidnappings , armed robberies, pipelinevandali sm and illegal bunkering are beingtackled frontally and soon they will be history.Industr ializati on is gradually taking rootthereby leading to the steady growth of theeconomy. His government is protectingNiger ians and Nigeria’s business interest andits citizens abroad.CURRENTL Y, THE GOODLUCK JONATHANADMINIS TRATION HAS TAKEN NIGERIA FROM ALOW INCOME COUNTRY TO A MEDIUM INCOMECOUNTRY THEREBY MAKING FUNDS FORDEVELOPMENTA L PROJECTS FROM GLOBALFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS READILY AVAILABLEAND ATTRACTING INVESTMENTS IN KEY SECTORSOF THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY.WITH GOODLUCK JONATHAN, NIGERIA NOWHAVE 50 BILLION DOLLARS IN FOREIGNRESERVE, ONE BILLION DOLLAR IN SOVEREIGNWEALTH FUND AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS INEXCESS CRUDE ACOUNT MAKING NIGERIA THEPREFERRED INVESTMENT DESTINATION INWORLD. THE REFINERIES ARE WORKING AGAIN.DECLARING A STATE OF EMERGENCY IN BORNO,YOBE, AND ADAMAWA STATES WITHOUTTEMPERIN G WITH THE DEMOCRATIC STRUCTURESYET ACHIEVING THE DESIRED AIMS ANDOBJECTIVES OF SECURITY, PEACE, PROTECTIONOF INNOCENT NIGERIANS, STABILITY ANDECONOMIC GROWTH OF THE REGION AND THEENTIRE FEDERATION. THE DECLARATION MAKESGOODLUCK JONATHAN A LEADER, A DEMOCRATAND A STATEMAN.PRESID ENT GOODLUCK JONATHAN, THE BESTPRESIDENT NIGERIA HAS EVER HAD.Let’s support him to succeed. His administration deserve another 4 year term come 2015.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 19:51:21 +0000

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