RE: IMBO— Answer to Jay Pelland’s questions and Suggestions + - TopicsExpress


RE: IMBO— Answer to Jay Pelland’s questions and Suggestions + UPDATE to all!Hi Jason and Team, Interesting that you write about this. I was about to write the f=group this week and make some announcements and updates. Let me give a fast bottom line update. Sounds like you have been busy developing planes yourself and I applaud you efforts First, excuse the silence but I have been swept away with positive progress on numerous fronts as well as intense travel. We just completed the Marketing and Social Media content management and Social commerce summits in NY for Strategic Planning, resource integration and execution scheduling. Much of what you bring up was touched on. From a high level, we plan to do the following with the IMBO: I decided to turn the focus on development of Social Commerce assets, API’s, Additional Shop-Solutions marketing sites for Internet Marketing and Social commerce tool, offerings., etc,. This will make our IMBO efforts much more structured, effective, relevant and valuable. I plan to have a break out session and work shop at IC to show this projects and plans. The IMPBO will be used as a Beta group and interactive discussion panel for this and be connected to the owners of the projects I regard to the Highlighted Landing pages item below: We do have some very cool landing pages designed for use in recruiting, Social targeting or harvesting, and SEM or to use on blogs , email campaigns or Key word related plays We do have several Digital Marketing and Social Commerce campaigns coming out. After the meeting in Miami, I turned my attention to API evangelism and modifying our infrastructure to become an API driven site and shop. This is a game changer when it comes to digital marketing and Internet marking opportunities. You will see. It is a quantum leap when it comes to the things we want to do with IMBO. After IC you will see a difference in the landscape and we will reconvening a workshop between IC and WC. When we roll out first campaigns we plan to do it through the IMBO We are still looking for the “pools, ponds, lakes “ in all mediums to go fishing with a net rather than a line but have not gotten much from the IMBO group and this is the most import thing the group could easily help identify and harvest: Sites, events, conferences. SM groups (like you identified above), chat rooms, blogs, digital publication, Periodicals, meetings, etc.— Where they go, explore, hang out, breed, spawn, feed, interact, socialize etc. Prior to IC, I will send to the IMBO the companies project list , focuses, and Strategic plan for Digital marketing, API driven digital marketing, Social Media content generation, Social Commerce, Thee is a new Internet Marketing and Shop MA University training ready to go and will be introduced at IC and there will be a breakout and session in it that you all need to go to and get your key people to. I have responded below in red italics font. I am going to have the appropriate people also call you. Everyone needs to be a convention and to bring people they want to influence because there is a lot going on and a lot coming off the assembly line. There is a new Division in the Marketing Group at MA : UFO Marketing headed by Kevin Buckman and we do have a process where the sales Executives and The UFO Marketing Team’s Social Content coordinator harvests the hottest most relevant happenings or post in the fields as well as Identifying the most important targets for promotion and campaigns where a professional digital display will be created to use by company ad field on a weekly basis: (video, info graph, images, HTLM display, Editorial content,, links, etc. I will recommend to Buckman that you be on this group. If you want to work with any of our specific Digital Marketing Project Groups – it can be discussed and possibly arranged. Thanks for your passion and entrepreneurial insight. Keep growing JR From: Jason Pelland Date: Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 5:59 AM To: IMBO Subject: IMBO Hello IMBO group! Curious to know any advancements in this group such as best practices, statistics, and feedback as it relates to Cyber Prospecting/Recruiting. Continuing to identify and engage in groups on Facebook and LinkedIn seems to be the largest pond, but sites likewarriorforum has some big affiliates and people in-the-know. Im currently working my self-employed group on FB with over 7,000 requests to join and 2,000+ members. Here’s what I am up to: This is a priority of ours too. I want you to talk to the Social Media Group on this and in particularly Chris Peddycord, Peter Gold, and Steve Ashley. I will ask CP to set up a call to touch base on this Social targeting discussion.) Email: I plan to restart my Infusionsoft Email Automation account and revisit email templates but I need to update some of the content and certainly the links. We have a group working in this too. One thing that is being focused on above abad beyond all the normal fundamentals and best practices for email campaigns and retargeting is the best practices for the massaging which I advocate using a HTLM image, a click responder that opens a HTLM or video offer or Info gram. If you have any information on best practices, ideas or resources —please share them with us. Peter Gold would be the person to communicate with — CDMO. Social Media: I am using a social engagement tool called Sendible, but using analytics to strategize on how best to use this tool to push & pull information. Doing some research on FB ad campaigns: Boosting Posts, Sponsored Ads, and Dark Posts (Dark Posts seem to be the way to go) This is on our list too and I keep ringing the bell on it —-but we have nit really initiated on it yet. I want to share information and for you to work with the team on this. We need to discover the Holy Grail and Golden Fleece on this as there is a huge win if you know what you are doing and harvest the right people in the right targets with the right ads and messaging. It yields much higher ROI and conversion results than SEM if you know what you are doing and can target the right people. Search: Will start A/B testing some keywords and landing pages and Google AdWords There is a lot going on here. Our plan is to use the Adobe tool and MoreBuys platforms to get it right from a site and audience segmenting and view merchandizing perspective. Our plan from a very high level is : 1. Get the site merchandizing right (major changes) so when we drive traffic visitors are seeing what they want. 2. Merchandizing on MA products overhauled on mini sites and specific landing pages with highly appealing landing pages. We will begin campaigns here first. 3. Separate redesign and merchandizing on Shop partners so that SEM has better conversion and ROI. 4. Aggressive and Major Customer Nurturing,retention, loyalty program focusing on LTV so ROI on SEM is optimized and maximized. 5. Use of Metrics and testing to determine messaging and offers. 6. Retargeting and campaigns to existing 9 million customers in data base. I regard to this I would like our Ecommerce, SEM and digital marketing team to be interactive with you. My philosophy is that for people who know what they are doing and are willing to invest their own money in it, we do not ecissarily have to compete for Ad worlds or Key worlds and drive the bid price up. There are limitations and balancing that needs to be addressed where one does not infringe on other UFO’s but if we are able to collaborate and you win big time on SEM — we in essence win too because they are our customer too. This can be further discussed. Maybe this will become a symbiosis or synergy between MA and IMBO! TweetSQL: An incredible software tool I’ve leveraged in the past for HUGE Twitter automation and engagement, but it is a little clunky and may need to have some assistance to set-up again. Let’s evaluate with Social Media and commerce teams at MA. Bring them up to sped on what you ee and mean. Landing Pages: Would the group share any landing pages they’ve created, so we can take a look at best practices and see what’s working and whats not? We have incredible Design and HTLM and Video resources now. Any winning ideas, messaging, techniques, or examples that are likely work or are a best practice we can translate and develop into a highly professional landing pages that rock. Everyone should end us anything they have in mind, find, or like. Resources I am looking at: Infograph creation tools/sofware (Piktochart,, Easelly,,, Venngage were all I found)....any experience with these? We just got done discussing this. We are all over the infograph concept in Social Media and Commerce and are on a mission. I will have them look at these platforms and arrange a conversion to discuss what you observed. Video: The videos Market America/Shop are so great! Id like to see some shorter videos 30s-60s to use in drip campaigns. Thoughts? Agree totally and that is on the list. Any specific ideas on specific videos is welcomed. If you want to discuss with our people in this area I will arrange. Love the simplification of unfranchisetraining! Thank Jeremy, Andrew And Jim winkler and of course the IT teams. It will continue . Sincerely, Jason Pelland
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 04:51:59 +0000

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