RE-INVENT YOURSELF I’m a die-hard fan of the Cosby show. - TopicsExpress


RE-INVENT YOURSELF I’m a die-hard fan of the Cosby show. I’m convinced Ive watched all the series and seasons of this wonderful, world class none like it sitcom. See, I keep checking on line for episodes of this program that I may have missed. I love the show so much and I love Bill Cosby, he’s one of my many mentors. Ive learnt so much from him especially as touching family life, family ethics and domestic management. All my children were birthed into a home where the Cosby Show is a big deal, hence from childhood each one of them watch it, love it and can’t just have enough of it. My children know the Huxtables, Cliff, Claire, Sandra, Dennis, Vanessa, Theo and Rudy; my children love each one of these characters and their ways. In my home we can actually recite the lines of our most loved episodes of the Cosby show. It’s really fun when we drop their lines in our conversations when catching fun as a family. But lately, I was trying to get my son to join me as I again began to see the earliest episodes of the show. To my amazement he was not willing, he sat with me alright but wasnt paying attention; he was busy on his Ipad playing a funny building block game. He was totally distracted. My son, this my son used to be a passionate fan of the Cosby show, he probably knew more conversation lines of the characters than any of us in the house. He could recite and talk along with the actors on so many episodes of the program but now, he would rather play his game than watch his favorite Cosby Show episodes. What happened? What happened to my son? Why the change in attitude towards this ever reigning, ever green award winning TV series? Nothing, nothing happened to my son, he was just being human. It’s natural for us as human beings to get very used to the very best things in life to the end that we even begin to take it for granted. We get used to being alive, we get used to being healthy, we get used to always having something to eat, having a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, having a job, a wonderful family so much so that we don’t even think of these things as important anymore. In fact, at times we grumble about the quality and responsibilities tied to these benefits and possessions. A sick person values good health, a hungry man values good food and an unemployed person is not likely to have a problem with waking up on a rainy Monday morning at 4:30am to go to work. See, it’s not your fault you hardly think much of these benefits, I mean it’s human to take familiar things for granted. A couple of months ago, I bought myself a very lovely mobile phone, it came a bit pricey hence, I was very protective and conservative of it. Everyone in my house especially my kids are always looking for Daddy’s phone they want to play the games and take pictures with it. When I got this new phone I had said to myself I wouldnt let them touch it. But a few days ago, my daughter picked up this phone and began to play with it, she played games on it, took pictures with it and played music on this phone, at a point she even dropped it on the floor by mistake and picked it up again, I didnt even flinch or react. The initial value and appreciation I had for this expensive phone had waned over time. The phone had lost its effect on me, I have become used to it; I’m now as it were, taking this phone for granted. It is a natural something. You see as humans we get used to the very best things we have in life, clothes, shoes, phones, homes, men, women, spouses, work types and… we want something new. Haven’t you heard people who at a point were desperately in need of employment at prestigious business organizations complaining now about being tired of these very jobs? Haven’t you heard students who sought desperately and for years, admissions into the University begin to complain they’re tired of school. Haven’t you met guys who did everything, spent so much in cash, time and energy to woo a woman, begin to change and complain they’re tired of this same woman? How many times have you heard married couples complain about being tired of each other; forgetting how well they danced and how much they spent on their wedding ceremony? I think it’s a very common remark from women who got married three, four to five decades ago that they decided to remain in marriage with their husbands only because of their children. It is natural to take what you have for granted, it is natural to want something new, it is human nature. Many of us today are bitter, disappointed and angry at very many people whom in time past weve been good to, weve impressed and given our all, but now they appear not to appreciate or value that which we have given or sacrificed for them. Many employees today are unhappy with their employers and top management because they believe they are giving so much yet the management does not value or appreciate their contribution. Can I be frank with you Mr. Manager this morning, you see that skill, that ability that capacity that you have and has impressed us so much and thus far is beginning to diminish in its effect on us. Yes, you speak and write very well, yes we know your power point presentations are off the hook, yes we know, your reports and numbers are always simple, exhaustive and accurate, yes we know, you’re a power dresser and you always look good, yes we know, you’re a wonderful sales man and you always deliver your targets, yes we know, but guess what as important as all these are to us, we have become used to it. We are no longer thrilled; we know you can do it. For us to remain impressed and excited about you, you better come up with something new and fast too; reinvent yourself. Do something different, something new, something more exciting, something out of the box, create something unique, worthy of note, applause and value. As your audience we’re used to your trick of a rabbit out of a hat, can we see something new? My dear friend, to continually retain value, attention, appreciation and compensation from your employer, clients, friends and loved ones re-invent yourself. Stop bragging about yesterday’s glory and hat trick, come up with something new. Re-impress your employer, your customer, your client and associates to retain their attention and appreciation. Ladies and gentlemen, re-impress your husband and your wife, look different, dress different, learn new things and do new things; change your style and place them permanently in the curiosity mode to retain attention and appreciation. Enjoy your day Coined by Muyiwa Afolabi
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 06:36:20 +0000

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