RE-MERBAN TRANSFORMED - ABDUL MANAF SULEMANAS RESPONSE TO SYDNEY CASELY HAYFORD Good Morning Mr.Sydney Casely Hayford. I hope you had a wonderful weekend after your Bizarre experience at The Skuup last Friday. I know you dont know me so ill introduce myself. My name is Abdul Manaf Sulemana but you can call me Sule or maybe myknife as my class mates back in Accra Academy used to call me. I am fine with either of them. The latter actually brings fond memories of my days in Accra Academy and brings smiles onto my face. This is your second article I have read. I read the first on myjoyonline and I found it quite interesting. This however I read from citifmonline through a link a friend shared on facebook. I watched you on Tv3s National Agenda with Hon. Akoto Osei and Deputy Finance Minister Mr.Rickett Hagan about two months ago and I must say you really dribbled the Deputy Finance Minister that night. He had a very tough time and I wondered why government didnt present someone more eloquent and fierce to match you. Please did you say sibling authority with regards to the Presidents brothers loan from Merchant Bank ? I thought that loan was contracted in 2007 ? Wasnt President Kuffour in office then ? Wasnt the NDC in opposition then ? or is Mr. Ibrahim Mahama related to Ex.President John Kuffour ? That must be some bloodline ruling over us, not so? Where is Alex Jones when you need him. Mr.Alex Jones we need you to take a break from Queen Elizabeth and the Rothschild family and do something on the Kuffour and Mahama family because Mr.Sydney has just given us a clue about them being siblings. Mr Sydney, please do you know Mr. Appiah-Menka ? The name rings a bell right ? Yes I am talking about the New Patriotic Partys Appiah-Menka. Are you aware he is among the 81% debtors of Merchant Bank ? I am wondering why you left him out ? Oh let me guess, he is not NDC and he is not related to the President. Did I get it right ? I want to ask you Sir, were you in Ghana in 2008 ? What did you think of Ghana Telecoms sale to Vodafone ? Did you know Telkom SA offered $947m for 66.7% of Ghana Telecom but instead 70% was sold for $900M to Vodafone ? Did you hear Hon. PC Appiah Oforis allegation of MPs being bribed $5000 to push that sale through ? What did you say on that Sir ? Or you werent this concerned about Ghana to speak on national issues then ? Do you know Vodafones bid was actually one of the 11 rejected bids as at September 14, 2007 by the government appointed transaction advisors, Ecobank Development Corporations ? Do you know Former President Kuffour attended a secret meeting in Accra on November 9, 2007 where he faced Vodafones CEO Arun Sarin, The British Deputy High Commissioner, Menna Rawlings and James Cribb, head of UL Trade and Investment ? Do you know on January 24th 2008, governments contract with EDC was abrogated ? Do you know all that was against our divestiture laws ? Dont get me wrong in asking about the Ghana Telecom Sale Sir, I am not trying to equalise, just trying to get to know you. Comparing the sale of Ghana Telecom to Vodafone and Merchant Bank to Fortiz, I really dont smell anything pungent as you indicated in your article. There isnt any report of President Mahama meeting the Fortiz owners, is there ? Neither was Fortiz rejected only to be the sole buyer. Did you say you petitioned CHRAJ on GYEEDA ? Thats a good move Sir. Lets hope it produces something because it looks like some petitions receive recognition whiles others do not. Do you remember Mr.Sam Pee Yalleys petition to the Chief Justice about a tape on which Lawyer Atta kyea claimed the Chief Justice who tops as his sister-in-law was giving him guidelines as to how to go with his partys intended injunction on the 2008 election result declaration ? That didnt make any waves did it ? I am sure youve heard about the NPPs petition to the Chief Justice over the Vicky Hammah tape of which an eight member panel has been set up to investigate ? Do you see why I said some petitions receive recognition whiles others are not ? Hmmm. Lets hope your petition to CHRAJ is recognised. Lets pray. Yes we qualified for Brazil 2014. That was quite a match wasnt it ? As for the idiot who called for the presidents picture tattooed as you wrote in your article, that was Member of Parliament for Juaboso Constituency, Hon. Kwabena Mintah Akandoh and I dont think he meant it the way the media reported and how you made it seem. It was a response to one of the ranking members of the committee who had a problem with the Presidents picture being embossed on t-shirts of some supporters. Personally I have no problem with that. I dont see anything wrong with the Presidents picture being embossed on a shirt won by a supporter. whoops. I guess that makes me an idiot too. Ghana , Aha ye de ampa. Debia as3m fofro wo h). I sent you a friend request on facebook. I cant remember if I was told you had reached your limit of friends or the request went through. Ill check. Please confirm my request if it comes through.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 08:39:36 +0000

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