RE-POST: “ANGEL OF GOD” STILL WORKS AS THE GUIDE AND THE PROTECTOR FOR MR POWER: 1) Mr Spiritualist: The following dialogue among I, Mr President and Mr Power is being posted for our f/b friends under ‘freedom of expression legacies’. The writer Mr “X” has considered a number of sensitive but religious points before he planned to post such truths to all. I, myself, had points too. One of my points was “it absolutely doesnt matter who believes or does not believe our following described elements. But my realization is that Mr Power has to desperately reveal all untold facts in order to establish the actual truth behind the undeclared third world war. It was based on all types of inhuman techno-tortures upon Mr Power where the political world has been the witness since July 2012. I do reasonably believe that the global people will easily be able today to recognize “the sinners” and “the blessers” of this undeclared third world war. The war was dangerously performed on race by two platforms of global military agencies since July 2012. A huge number of human killings on blaming game, serious violations of human rights, meaningless spreads of hundreds of billions of money were to hide the pure truths from common people and a huge destroys of public assets were the major issues to be remembered”. Mr President: We are very interested to know all untold stories from you. Can you please tell us the detail about ‘the Angel of God’ who has been guiding and saving you since July 2012 from a number of certain death events??? Mr Power: Well, ‘the Angel of God’ came to me in a dream at a night sleep. The holy night was between I received my passport with visa from Home Office in April 2012 and ‘the MICRO CHIP’ which was inserted into my brain through my right eye without my knowledge. ‘The MICRO CHIP’was implanted by a security agency first on a number of serious allegations inclusive “COCAINE ADDICTION” and “COCAINE SELLER” against me by my idiot University authority. Such false allegations were put by a third party to my University that was likely my past private college (LEBC). The incredible allegations were tactically received by LEBC from a Turkish Restaurant Owner in E12 which were not only 100% false but also seriously conspiratorial on anger matters. I must slowly but surely publish all those stories which I disclosed to my former MPs too by numerous emails until March 2013. But they didnt trust me by then. I think I have some God gifted strong predictions which quietly become as “real and genuine”. ‘The Angel of God’ came to me with her following song which was also mixed with a fantastic musical sound. The angel was likely a middle aged one (30-40+) which I realized clearly by her sweet tone. The angel was then repeatedly singing, “LLB…….LLB……LLB……..LLB…….LLB” while there were simultaneously happening a huge thundering and earthquake. The dream was lasted for around 4 minutes before I woke up. From then, I had been simply contemplating why this dream was completely different to me from the rest of all normal dreams in my life. This extra-ordinary dream really, somehow, injected me a very special inspiration into my inner heart. I thought first it was ‘the almighty GOD’ for which I started questioning myself why GOD directly came in my dream as a woman. Finally, I have recently clarified myself by getting confirmed that it was indeed ‘a special Angel of GOD’. She has been not only protecting and guiding me for 24 hours by her holy spirit following the commands given by the GOD but also saving the world from a good number of mandatory wrecks. We, all, know that the angels are made of ‘Noor’ or ‘light’ by the GOD. These sinless angels are numerous who have no gender. But they can transform themselves in any size and any typed inclusive their wings if necessary. These angels bear “Holy Spirit of GOD” unlike the betrayed one named Satan (the Devil) who was one of the chief angels of God. The devil has still been bearing “Evil Spirit of GOD” who even leads most of the third series angles with it to harm human and their mankind. All his follower third series angels are called demons and they are bearing “evil spirits of GOD”. 2) Mr President: Didnt you ever speak directly with the almighty GOD in your dreams before or after or during this undeclared third world war??? Mr Power: Yes, I spoke. I spoke with the GOD in a dream during my morning’s sleep while a group of security agents came with their laptop and heavy equipment to question me through their inserted MICRO CHIP into my brain. The agents actually came with their all heavy equipment at my immediate underneath studio flat which was occupied then by an EU girl. Using their implanted CHIP into my brain, the security agents technologically sent questions into my brain to answer where the almighty GOD answered all of their questions. 3) The Spiritualist: What were the conversations between you and the GOD and how long the conversations were? Mr Power: I am sure that it was surely the very kind GOD. He likely made me to be automatic replies of the questions. But I believe GOD answered all of the questions made by the secret agents into my brain. What I can remember is that the secret agents inserted ‘the MICRO CHIP’ likely in the previous night during my sleep and without my knowledge. In the morning, I noticed that my right eye became abnormal and swollen. Some blood came out from the near eye lash. I washed the blood by hot water. In order to reduce my right eye swollen, I used a small hot towel again and again. I couldnt sleep well in the previous night due to all harsh techno tortures in my whole body by security agents. I was, therefore, a bit sleepy. In my morning sleep after the breakfast, I was dreaming that a number of security agents or cyber police came into my underneath studio flat with their heavy equipment and laptop. In the dream, I was then telling the GOD that I would be killed by these agents. But God assured me that they wouldnt be able to kill me. Before the security agents started questioning, GOD quickly took me in different lively places inclusive my family’s graveyard to show and give me realization how I would be once buried. I am NOT sure whether I was looking at someone’s dead body with white cloth rapping like Muslims. The dead body was just placing into our grand family graveyard. I did only realize that I would be buried like this too. In other different quick scenes, I got realized that GOD indicated me to love all of His creatures regardless small or big whatever or whoever they are. I was, later, able to have found a fruitful meaning of such scenes is that GOD purified me before He answered all of the questions on my behalf made by the secret agents. Before GOD’s departure, I made Him a question like a child or close friend if I had a minor sin for which I would suffer in the long run. I asked GOD to pardon me and to promise with me by holding my index finger. GOD tightly held my index finger saying “I promised”. That was the end before I awoke. After I awoke, I found voices of secret agents coming from the underneath studio. I believed then they were also monitoring me by the cameras somehow they implanted these technologically around my room to record my movements of 24 hours. I told about implanted cameras to my MPs by emails. 4) Mr President: Did you have any similar fantastic dream while you were in fight with your private college (LEBC) in January/February 2012 to win your visa held by Home Office???? Mr Power: Yes, I had. A dream of that time was almost like the July 2012 one. I would clearly somehow understand that this one was also the dream directly from GOD or by the GOD. The crucial matter was that I had to post or email in each week to Home Office with all new problems during my studentship at LEBC (London East Bank College). It was mainly after I ended my bio-metric test on my visa extension on 16 Dec in 2011. 5) Mr Spiritualist: What was the dream? Mr Power: I was, actually, a very good motor cycle rider in my country. However; in an early morning, my dream was that my motor cycle was stopping at every short distance while I was trying to restart it. Once upon a time, my bike did not stop like before and I was on its control with the full speed. 6) Mr President: Would you get any physical sign from the GOD??? Mr Power: Yes, there were plenty of signs from the GOD. I would quickly realize by those signs what GOD indicated. From all dirty tricks by my last private college (LEBC), in particular, during my passport held until March 2012 by Home Office, I would suddenly and timely have a little dry skin on my palm and/or right middle fingers. I did believe then the enemies with their dirty tricks had been defeated by my courageous steps and winning efforts. It was quite often as soon as one deadly issue or tricky torture on my body by torturers would be ended or vanished by ‘the will of the very kind GOD’. I had no dry skin on palm of fingers in my life and even nothing right now. In 2012 until December, there were spider’s webs on my entry door which would be made by spiders within 2/3 hours during my stay at school. I, then, had to clear these for my entry. Moreover, my room’s strong door lock in E7 9QA was very abnormally broken in July/August 2013 while I was just going to my second GP surgery for registration with my urine sample. There were more such abnormal signs so far since July 2012 from where I would be more cautious for my immediate steps. 7) Mr President: How would you feel for God’s urgent help when you were in multiple tortures since July 2012? Mr Power: There were two strange things which would be coming into my brain from the very kind GOD. From July 2012 to Dec 2013, I would seriously and automatically dream myself to be staying in the sky and waving down to the people. It would simply happen as soon as I sought GOD’s emergency help or would remember Him during my hard moments. And, I wrote to Home Office about such strange dream of mine during my visa extension application on human grounds in Sept 2013. But in 2014, I was only dreaming that GOD is showering flowers and flowers from the sky on my head and body. It’s really strange to me. I think people will be laughed of these true stories. But these are 100% truths for which I do NOT want to hide these from anyone. Cyber investigators on the MICRO CHIP in my brain can share their achieved points for 2.5 years to f/b readers if they wish or their known people ask them. 8) Mr Spiritualist: Can you please provide us with more linked elements in relation your dreams in 2012? Mr Power: During my sleep in my home country, I was whispered by likely a lady JINN at around 4 am in 2002 or 2003 that I would be died in 2013. I shared this “YEAR” at least to a student’s guardian who was loudly laughing to listen to me. I was also questioning myself for it. My question was, “If I really die in 2013 (which is more than 10 years later) why the JINN has whispered me saying this and how she has known it”. It is to clarify you that there are distinguishes between GHOST (that comes as a soul only from a dead body) and JINN (that is hugely created by GOD like human as they eat and have their genders but made by smokeless fire). It is to add here as a common matter that Jinn attraction happens in terms of many human lives. It is well established, in particular, in the Muslim culture. I shared my earlier problem to many friends and known. In order to clarify you today here, I am to share you more specific that I got disturbed by a lady JINN during my year-1 honors study in Chittagong. My problems lasted then for around two months. The Jinn similarly came in my sleeps at either 06 months or 1 year after even when I was in Dhaka and later in London. During Jinn’s approach to me during my sleeps, I was totally unable to move my body for a while but it would go away as soon as I would recite the verses of “Astague firullahe” from the holy Quran. Mr Spiritualist: Thank you a lot for your all described GOD connected stories. We, all, love you very much. May GOD help us to understand our sins as well as to reduce your all gigantic problems so that you can have the right justice from the global authority!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 12:05:10 +0000

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