RE-POSTING PLEASE READ IF YOU CARE ABOUT HOW THE COMMON CORE & THE 2ND AMENDMENT (among other issues) AFFECT YOU! Posted by my friend Sean McElroy ~ he has outlined the facts & narrowed down the Real Issues ~ shared with Seans permission Dear family, friends and neighbors in NY State, I am writing this post to ask you to please do me a favor: On Election Day, Tuesday, November 4th, I am voting for Rob Astorino for Governor and ask that you to please join me. Polls don’t win elections; votes do. And this will be a close race. That is why I would really appreciate your voting for Rob Astorino for Governor. You can read Rob’s platform: robastorino/issues. Rob Astorino has my vote because he will: Repeal the SAFE Act: The so-called NY SAFE Act is a piece of legislation pushed through by Andrew Cuomo in the dark of night in a knee-jerk reaction to the Sandy Hook tragedy. It is a farce and protects criminals more than it protects the citizens of NY. Lower taxes: Rob Astorino’s principal issue is tax relief. Did you know since Governor Cuomo has been in office that over 400,000 New Yorkers have fled our state for economic opportunities in other states? I am sure you have also lost friends and relatives to other states because New York is no longer an affordable place to live. We can no longer shoulder the burden of paying the highest taxes in the Nation! With Rob’s proven track record in Westchester of reducing property taxes by 2% and, expenses by 4% while also protecting essential services, I am confident he will deliver for all New Yorker’s when he becomes Governor. Create jobs: Unfortunately, some I know have also lost their jobs because businesses cannot compete under the adverse tax and regulatory environment of Governor Cuomo. New York now has the worst business climate in the country. As County Executive, Rob’s pro-growth economic environment helped to create over 30,000 new private sector jobs. That is why I know he will make the necessary changes as Governor to reform the onerous regulatory system, lower business taxes, and invest in job training to get New York’s economy going again! Fight corruption: Rob Astorino will also pursue the toughest-in-the-nation ethics reform to include term-limits and loss of pensions for any public official convicted of corruption. New Yorkers are honest, hard-working people. Having Governor Cuomo under federal investigation for corrupting his own anti-corruption Moreland Commission should not be tolerated. Repeal Common Core: Rob Astorino will repeal Common Core, which has been disastrously implemented to the detriment of our children. The program not only decreases the quality of our state’s public education but also imposes yet another unfunded billion-dollar-plus mandate on already overburdened New York taxpayers. Rob will advocate ending Common Core and will apply pressure on the Board of Regents to adopt standards that include the input of educators and teachers. Rob (a product of public schools) and his wife Sheila (a special education teacher) have decided that their three children will not take any standardized tests association with this flawed approach to education. Rob Astorino has the dedication, the ability, and the plan to improve the quality of our public education system to make classrooms nourishing and enriching environments conducive to learning for all children. Elected Westchester County Executive in two consecutive landslides with bi-partisan support, Rob Astorino has the record, the ability, and the vision to make New York great again. I hope you will join me in voting for Rob Astorino for Governor on Tuesday. I will be available to give anyone in my area a ride to the polls. Have a government-free day and eternal vigilance! ROBASTORINO.COM
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 11:57:51 +0000

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