RE: THE LAMENTATIONS AND TEARS OF ALMAJIRI UNITED. Sir, I wish to respond to your hypocritical, selfserving, halftruths, amnesic, divisive and lies filled article on the above subject matter. Sir, permit me to say this, Nigerians particularly your kinsmen, the yorubas no longer take you serious due to your inconsistencies, immature outbursts and use of sophistry to obscure the truth for personal interest. It will also interest you that you lack genuine followers among the Yoruba intellectuals based on the afforementioned . Chief, I think at your age and with your level of education and brilliance, you should serve as an embodiment of unity and peace. Your education and exposure should make you a unifying factor, an idol, mentor and role model to Nigerian youths. Honestly, you have become a divisive and controversial factor. I really dont know where you got your chieftancy title, but in truth, your type dont deserve a title. You lack all the maturity, understanding and even frame of mind of a chief in Yorubaland. I think your brilliance was mistook for honour and integrity. I doubt if you understand these words: consistentency, integrity and honour. Sir, I have read too many of your articles and I respect your writing prowess and command of the English language. But I am disappointed that you are opposite of what you write or claim to be. Few weeks ago, you demanded Oduduwa republic or die. What steps have you taken for the actualization of your facebook Odua republic? . In all your empty ranting, I can deduce just one thing-attention seeking. No doubt, you seek undue attention which to me is a reflection of your inferiority complex. I once described you as afake person with external superiority and internal inferiority. I think you are still battling with the inferiority in you. Though outside, we think you are superbly different. We must be wrong because only a man know himself better. We only judge you by your sheer brilliance. I have come to learn from you that there is clear distinction between brilliance and consistency and native intelligence. You lack the later. Though I am not surprised because what history taught me about your father shows you are acting true to type. Honestly, I once envy your brilliance, but sincerely, I dont want to be like you. You are not worthy to be emulated. And my fear stemmed up from some youths who still consider you as a role model. They may not find anything wrong in your lack of integrity, consistency, morals and values. It is a dangerous trend that must be averted to avoid future calamity. Sir, due to time and space,constraint, many will be left unsaid here so as to afford me the opportunity to respond to your specious argument[article]. I shall briefly respond paragraph by paragraph for easy grasp. I considered it pertinent and imperative to challenge your lies, so it does not become truth. 1. You were never missed in Apc. Because you carry no political or electoral value. And the anger, the bitterness and open agression is an expression of people of good conscience in condemning your irresponsible outburst. I think you overrated yourself-an hallmark of inferiority complex. 2. I challenge you to get provoked and start the war and see who laugh last. You lack the trait of the greek hero (Achilles) i read about. Please, stop the indiscriminate use of that name[your fear is efcc and prison]. 3. I think it is a great disservice to the country that you knew or were part of the plan to destroy the country with boko haram and arab world connection and you refuse to inform the security agencies. Does that not make you a hater of peace? I am also surprised that you were in the knowing of the chibok kidnapping and even a friend to shekau, yet, you could not stop this evil act. Are you not a father? I think the sss should get more information from you. Chief, you are a bigot, sentimentalist and pathological liar on this. 4. The southwest is politically sophisticated, so, the region cannot be used and dump. I think what you intend to achieve is to fan the ember of disunity among the southerners, the middle belt, northern minorities christians and muslims. Sir, only the gullible ones will fall for your antics. 5. If you accused the northerners for enjoying power for 38 years, I put it to you, were the northern minorities you speak for today not part of those who enjoyed the power? Were your father and Akintola not allies of this northerners in the post independence early days? I read how you falsely chant the name of living God as if you know him in deeds and truth. You sound fearful when you said i am not an easy man to fight because God is with me. I am achilles. It is a clear submission to fear. Leave God out of this if truly you are on the path of truth. If you are sincere and sure that this cause you are fighting is a noble one, you need not to be panic. Anyways, the above is just one of your rantings-a drowning and hungry man. To be continued. Watch out!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 08:06:06 +0000

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