RE: THE TURAKI OF EBIRALAND, AN OPEN LETTER TO OHINOYI OF EBIRALAND ALHAJI DR. ADO IBRAHIM From history, no one claims the glory of Alhaji Dr. Sanusi Abubakar Aliyu’s academic voyage by way of scholarship and sponsorship. It’s amazing therefore that Alhaji Sanusi had decided to impact positively in the lives of the people of Ebira Kingdom through diverse intervention. His company, Gamji Nigeria Company Ltd employs hundreds of Ebira sons and ladies thereby reduce poverty in a community where government and political class increase poverty. Besides the above, his health intervention programme had helped 20,000 people in the categories of orphans, the sick and the less-privileged in our society, those with sight challenges; deploying over 150 million to constantly sustain the above. He had further his love for this kingdom by the construction, rehabilitation and provision of medical facilities to General hospitals in Okene and Obangede; the provision and commissioning of transformers, scholarship awards to indigent students; the economic empowerment of the youths and women, among other meritorious services that he has rendered to Ebira society and mankind generally, mostly through his global business empire – the Gamji Group of Companies, and the Asmau Foundation. No international donor. No help from those that had stolen our common wealth in the name of politics. This selfless and gainless manifestation of Alh. Sanusi had gained him recognition world over. So, when His Royal Majesty decided to honor him with the Turaki title, we grumbled for two reasons: one, that we want a title in our own dialect like Okaneyi Ehi 1 of Ebiraland or titles in that dimension and two, that no title is enough for this peerless, selfless virtuous man but take solace on the word of the famous poet “Lest we should be the last, to appear before you” knowing that from a fatigue slumber, the enigma, philanthropist, Alh. Dr. Abubakar Sanusi Aliyu has formally been honored at home by the highest traditional stool of the kingdom. We took solace on the fact that a true award is been offered; one that will spore the coming generation to value the exhibition of cares for their motherland. The sudden and tragic turning back of His Royal Majesty, the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland Alhaji Dr. Ado Ibrahim on this well publicized, crowd pulling event, is one error too many and too difficult to comprehend. We are devastated. We feel raped of the singular opportunity for true and well breathed son of Ebira to say thank you to Alhaji Dr. Sanusi Abubakar Aliyu for his humane exhibition. It must therefore be documented with full apologies from the royal stool, what really went wrong and or what are the sins of the well accepted honor of the Turaki of Ebiraland. This apology is urgently needed to put issues straight or we will believe in its entirety, the rumors going the round. While this article will further give credence to the rumor by mentioning it, we will be at a waiting game for this apology. Failure will be a disaster. Alhaji Dr. Sanusi Abubakar Aliyu is our bride. We will guide him jealously. Any act of injustice against him will meet strong resistance from us. Your Majesty, Daudu Ozidu, we are anxiously waiting!!!
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:34:03 +0000

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