REACH OUT Amos 5:12...For I know the vast number of your sins - TopicsExpress


REACH OUT Amos 5:12...For I know the vast number of your sins and the depth of your rebellions. You oppress good people by taking bribes and deprive the poor of justice in the courts. Why does God put so much emphasis on the way you treat the poor and needy? How you treat the rich, or those of equal standing, often reflects what you hope to get from them. But because the poor can give you nothing, how you treat them reflects your true character. Do you, like Christ, give without thought of gain? We should treat the poor as you would like God to treat you. As you begin the month of September, resolve to reach out to the poor and needy. If you can’t do so direct, find a Charity organisation doing the work and support them as best as you can. You are blessed, not only for your immediate family, but to give out to others not minding that there would not be ‘fanfare’ to your ‘giving’. It is true that people find it easier to give to ‘enjoyment’ situations than to humanitarian causes. Reach out and He will reach you! Pray: 1. Father, I thank you because you are awesome in my life 2. Lord, grant me a full dose of the anointing to GIVE even when i don’t feel like it, in Jesus name. May this month of September bring forth all that you desire and more. Shalom Laila St. Matthew-Daniel
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:37:32 +0000

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