REACH OUT TO OTHERS THROUGH DUA! I feel sad everytime a - TopicsExpress


REACH OUT TO OTHERS THROUGH DUA! I feel sad everytime a non-muslim make a bad comment on Islam, it hurts everytime they use the wrong words on the Prophet! The images that are seen on the screen are easily knotted to the muslim, they end up concluding that Islam was built on war and muslims are the terrorists! I don’t know but my craze mind always fit this situation to that of a person, A very large crowd gathered around this person, making all sortta accusations, you stole this, you broke that… The person keeps saying, ”i didnt do any of those things, this is wrong, you dont even know me, why make such accusations?” No body wanna listen, they throw stones at it, sand, bricks, rod… This person is now in the mud, all weary… At the thought of this, what brings a smile back to my face, it the fact that unlike that person, my crazy mind pictured, Islam will never fall, it will never be dragged mercilessly to the mud, NO! Allah is guarding it, thats why, no amount of brick or rods can bring it down! All it gives is its voice and it says ” I preach against those things”. No matter how the media might have painted Islam, those with true knowledge of it, will know the true image when they see it. Here is what they need to know, (media and terrorists of course), No amount of threat can break the bond between muslims, we will never forsake our religion, Islam was never established or built on war, we preach against terrorism, in many verses of the Qur’an which we by the way follow, its written that, ”Commit no excess in your religion” another says; ”Allah love not those who do mischief” another says ”make no mischief on earth after it hath been placed in order” There are very many verses, these are just few of it! Amazing right, even after all those headlines, we still have an outstanding number of reverts, that is the Power of Islam! Now, just because you dont have a blood relative in Syria, Palestine, Gaza and all other countries going through rough times, dont feel like you have nothing much to do there. The muslims there are your brothers and sisters, Allah is the bond that joins us together! Dont feel like you have zero access to the media, you have the strongest link that can connect you to others hearts directly! Dont think cus you have no say in anything or even if you voice out, who cares right?? Now i am asking, who cares if your voice is heard through the external opening, get to there hearts and leave an everlasting effect! Your voice is loudest in dua, dont wait for the press to take down everything you wanna say, voice out in your dua! There is no need for them to see your face, or your hand reaching out, reach out to their hearts and leave the light of your dua there to heal them! Today is Jum’ah, of a blessed month, prayers are easily answered, raise this issue up before Allah with a pure intention, He listens! Many have lost a relative, a mother has lost a beloved child, a man lost his whole family, children are exposed to harsh treatments, SubhanAllah! You can do something, yes, its not so hard to say Ya Allah, have mercy on the Ummah the big job there is that you mean it! In the Quran, is written that; Its is He that sent tranquility into the hearts of those who believe to add more faith to their faith Pray for that tranquility in the hearts of those who are in trouble, its hard, very hard! Those images, dont they effect you?? A beautiful baby with blood all over dosnt that break you?? If it does, Cry out to Allah! Lend a helping hand and help restore peace back to hearts, through dua. Jazakum Allah khoiran, this is part of the article ive written, i was unable re-write it all here. For the full article, visit https://blessedmuslimfamilyblog.wordpress/2014/07/11/reach-out-to-hearts-through-dua-we-are-not-the-terrorists/ Feel free to share, i hope this info get across to lots of people, so hearts can be opened! Remember the Ummah in your dua and read Surah Al-Kahf. May Allah accept it all. Jumah mubarak!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:13:06 +0000

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