REACHING OUT FOR YOUR DREAMS If your mind can conceive it, then - TopicsExpress


REACHING OUT FOR YOUR DREAMS If your mind can conceive it, then you can do it. Are you doing the things that you dreamt you would do when you were younger? Are there still things you would like to do one day? Leave that job, start that business etc? Then it is time to get creative. I have what I call my vision book. Some days, I write in it endlessly, some days I don’t. I write all the things that I would still love to do. These are my dreams. Then I would take one thing and break it down into steps. What do I need to do to achieve that particular dream? Do I need to cut back on spending so I can save up enough to start working on that plan? Can I get a loan from a bank? Can I get advice from someone more qualified in that area? I write down all my ideas, even the crazy ones. Then I go through carefully. As long as none of my ideas involve hurting anyone in any way, I try them out. Well, if one does not work, then I know for certain that it wouldn’t work!! Our mind gives us back what we give it. I once talked with someone who wanted to start a business. This person told me all the reasons why said business was just not going to work. Oh, they didn’t think that person would talk to them or so and so would be interested in their ideas etc. No wonder that venture failed. IF you are going to start out expecting defeat, then defeat you are so going to get! If you have never failed at something, then you have not lived or you spend so much time weighing the alternatives that you just never take action. Take a risk! Fail at something, it will make you stronger!! And take you one step closer to your right goals! SO DREAM ON!!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 06:26:18 +0000

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