REACTION: PROVERBS 14:8 8 The wisdom of the prudent is to give - TopicsExpress


REACTION: PROVERBS 14:8 8 The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception. Someone who reacts before thinking normally give little or no thought to their action. Most of the time it is an emotional reaction with little or no thought and the emotion can be for many reasons. If we have a strong desire for money, fame, possessions or status these strong desires can rule our lives with little or no room for a thoughtful plan. We see the way to make more money and automatically jump without thinking it through. This kind of behavior can be easily deceived. However wisdom allows space for decisions to be made. They are not made hurriedly but we think through the consequences and measure them with purpose that glorifies God. The flesh is left without any say but the Spirit of God has been given permission to rule. When wisdom has opportunity to speak in thoughtful ways there are amazing possibilities in the outcome. If the flesh would just stay out of the way then deception would be silent. Wisdom gives careful thought to the way to walk and it is not rushed or fleshy. Faith leaders stop and give some adequate time to process your way. Allowing room for godly ways will keep us from following foolish ways. It will keep us from living in regret and give us a higher calling and purpose. Today in the Workplace What is your process for thinking through your decisions?
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 11:00:01 +0000

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