READ A MESSAGE FROM A FRIEND OF THE PAGE AND MY REPLY!! So John Proteus, you have something against Conservatives making money? Did you know George Washington was a very wealthy man? Do you have any idea how much people like Rush Limbaugh give away? You probably dont know anything about that since you are critical of him & others for making money. Probably a little jealousy on your part. I dont see any reason to stand up for Glenn Beck as I dont always agree with everything he does or says, but people that have a jealous streak are the most disgusting ones of all to me!! People who dont have anything to offer themselves being critical of others grates on me!! We had the best Founding Fathers & live in the best Country in the world & I for one could never believe what I heard when years ago I heard that America would be brought down from the inside. We have the DEVIL in the White House & the Muslim Brotherhood all around him & all many Republicans can do is BE CRITICAL OF EACH OTHER!! Makes me DAMNED mad. People that can do nothing themselves have a tendency to be very critical of those trying to do things. Rush Limbaugh is the only public figure I will stand up for all day long!! When I first heard him 25 years ago, I had never heard of him or even heard his name, but when I heard what he said, thought to myself If I had a platform that is exactly what I would say! I think it is a DAMNED insult for you to say Rush Limbaugh or any of the Conservatives would like to keep things going as they are. If you dont think Rush Limbaugh was once one of those broke hardworking people you were talking about then you dont know anything about Rush Limbaugh. He has made everything on his own from being dead broke. Anyone else in this Country could do the same thing if they wanted to work hard enough. MY REPLY!! You are so wrong in your interpretation of what I mean... I want American Patriots to make money... It has nothing to do with how much they earn. Its how and what they should do as Patriots. The Founding Fathers ( that you lectured me about ) were the richest men in the colonies . I have read volumes about them and their bravery. I am inspired by them. When they signed the Declaration of Independence they ended it with the words. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. Yes the word Fortunes is right their. They were risk being killed and all their wealth confiscated.. when they signed that document. I believe we are at that kind of a cross road now. The Talking heads like Rush and Hannity and Beck have told us so over and over again. So you misunderstand me because you are looking at this one dimensionally. I am personally extremely well off so I am not jealous of anyone who is wealthy and made their money legally. But when it comes to the Conservative talking heads.. who peddle their pitch... about the Country going down the shitter ( which it is!) after 7 years, after having seen all the same things we have and exposing us to more than we would have known otherwise.. and we having bought their books increased their ratings etc etc and made them wealthy,,, I expect more than More of the same . To me when they do that they are the flip side of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson... peddling their pitch for their market. Its time for drastic action and they are too wary/cautious/timid/greedy to call for it. I have repeated this over and over again for 3 years as I travel across the South. Its time for ACTION not more of the same. IN Glenn Becks case he seems to be back pedaling. People listen to these people. They have an obligation to Restore America. They should not be like the Street Hawkers on the platforms of trains bound for Auschwitz or some other death camp selling newspapers of how bad the gas chambers are when the Jews get to where they are going. I respect the work the talking heads have done so far.. but in their case they are not just another bakery or software program or brick and mortar business that became successful. They became successful peddling the down side of Progressism and Socialism and their success is based on their audience ( that would be us) buying their books and buying from their sponsors. Its a unique category of Business The bible says.. To those that much is given.. much is expected I am making the case that I expect more now from these leaders .. since they know (as you and I do) that the country is careening towards Collapse. They need to do more than tell us over and over again that the country is in a bad way. They need to take the risk with their Fortunes and call for the Revolution.. just like George Washington did. These are the times that try mens souls as Thomas Paine said many years ago! I hope you understand my position now! ********************************************************************* WHAT DO YOU THINK ??? https://facebook/video.php?v=366265163554922&set=vb.100005143247397&type=3&theater
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 23:35:17 +0000

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