READ ABOUT THE CROWN CORPORATION AND the CITY OF LONDON. Understand how they control nation states and relate this information to the corporation UNITED STATES INCORPORATED. The City of London is an 800 year old corporation that controls finance and philosophy. Its a foreign entity called The Crown. This entity is the creator and the controller of the bank of England and the U.S. Federal Reserve. They control the World Bank, the IMF, and associated cartels. The Crown identity is kept most secret. The Crown is not the King or the Queen of England, since this corporation was created. The Crown is a name of the directorate of the City of London. The island of Britain is a financial oligarchy run by the Crown not the Queen. So basically, the British Isles are owned and operated by The Crown Corporation. The City of London corporation is located in the heart of greater London, and is a sovereign state. The City of London houses the Bank of England, Lloyds of London, The London Stock Exchange, all British Banks, 385 foreign banks, and 70 U.S. as as well Fleet Streets newspaper and publishing. The City of London or the Crown Corporation is not subject to British law, it has its own courts and its own flag, its own police force and is separate from the London Metropolitan police. The Crown is in fact, a privately owned corporation that operates outside of the British legal system and controls the inner City Of London sovereign state. The City Of London (is not the actual City, London), the entity City of London is actually a one square mile area, currently recognized as the financial capital of the world and is the wealthiest square mile on the planet, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, it IS a sovereign state, not subject to any laws, police enforcement or philosophies, other than their own. The City of London has its own Lord Mayor. There is a council of 12 members who rule the corporation under this Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor and 12 member council serve as representatives of the Crown. The British Empire was an extension of bankers financial interests. Indeed, all the colonies around the world were Crown Colonies. They belonged to the City and were not subject to British law although Englishmen were expected to conquer and pay for them. Western colonization is widely taught in school history courses, but one key aspect of the colonial period is generally omitted from the more basic history courses. This is the fact that all the Crown colonies around the world were established on a corporate model with financial ties to the City of London - not the nation of England or Britain. The island of Britain is a crown colony, the City of London is not. The Directors of the Crown, had no loyalty to any nation. They were, and are, devoted entirely to their philosophy which seeks absolute power. For more than 250 years, the servants of the Crown brought untold wealth back from the colonies to the British Isles - for themselves. Historian Jeffrey Steinberg could be referring to the US, Canada and Australia when he writes, England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, are today little more than slave plantations and social engineering laboratories, serving the needs of the Crown/City of London. According to the American Almanac, the Crown bankers are part of a network with an estimated $10 trillion in assets. It lords over such corporate giants as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials. The Crown/City of London dominates the worlds speculative markets. A tightly interlocking group of corporations (all multi international corporations), involved in raw materials extraction, finance, insurance, transportation, and food production, controls the lions share of the world market, and exerts virtual choke point control over world industry. https://google/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#q=City+of+london%2C+crown+corporation&start=10
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 06:44:26 +0000

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