READ CAREFULLY... A few years ago a Principal told me that very - TopicsExpress


READ CAREFULLY... A few years ago a Principal told me that very few high school and middle school principals would invite me back to mentor and/or speak to their student body for one clear reason; jealousy in their hearts. He sat me down and opened his heart to me about a situation that took place at his schools graduation ceremony. He stated that the Valedictorian and Salutatorian were asked the same question on the stage as they received their awards, What was the highlight of the year for you? Both answered back to back, When Mr. Rivera spoke to our school. While the Principal was telling me this I was wondering where was he possibly going with this. He looked at me and said, Mr. Rivera I feel compelled to tell you this. When I heard my two top students mention you as the most influential person to them throughout the year, I said to myself, Mr. Rivera? I have been working with both of you for a couple of years and you said Mr. Rivera? He then said, Mr. Rivera, I had to check myself because I almost forgot that its all about the students. I just want you to know that many will never call you back into their schools because how easy you make changes in their students lives and how quickly you gain their loyalty and hearts. I felt like I had to share this with you. Dont let what you are about to experience discourage you Mr. Rivera. Stay focused and dont stop inspiring our youth. They need you. With tears in my eyes I thanked him for being honest with me. I told him that I always felt that was the reason. His words momentarily took a heavy burden off of my heart. I was so happy that somebody was honest with me the way I was honest with them. Years later my heart is still so heavy because I see, particulary in the black community, the gap widening between generations. A lot of it is due to the fact that we do not know how to rejoice in the success of those younger than us who look like us. We look down on innovative and creative minds. We are discouraged by our younger predecessors massive energy and optimistic visions. WE HAVE A MAJOR PROBLEM WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY! We dont see our brothers and sisters success as our own. Our elders get in these positions and look to help only those willing to bow and tap dance around them like they do around massa. When they meet someone strong, bold and effective, but not worthy in their eyes for Gods favor, they seek to hinder or block the blessings, instead of fighting the enemy within their own heart. Look at our communites. Look at the statistics. We suffer more than any other commnunity, particulary considering the knowledge we have access to. How many more leaders do we need God to give us? How many more great leaders need to die with broken hearts? WE HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM WITH SELFISHNESS AND ENVY! In comparison to other communities we dont truly reach down to pull each other up. I am not talking about hooking your best friend up with a job either. Thats one of the problems. We look out for the ones not qualified for the task at hand. We make everybody else rich, but ourselves. We support more negativity than positivity. All the way up to our elders... all the way down, we cringe at the great works those younger than us are doing. We micromanage them to the point of ineffectiveness. We are afraid somebody else might get the credit. When I say I am on a mission, please dont take me lightly. I am on a mission that God has placed me on, whether you like it or not. I will not give in or give up because the punishment is too severe for me to bear. I would rather die lonely with God in my heart than to die with a bunch of devils carrying me to my grave. Be careful with who you stand in front of. History might not speak too well of you and your genetic pool. We better study history a little closer. Instead of carrying those great Books, we better open them up, read them and carry them in our hearts. Your own children will seek to disown you if you are not careful. Patience & Peace
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 18:09:36 +0000

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