READ CAREFULLY AND SHARE FAR AND WIDE THIS IS WHAT IS BRINGING THE BRITISH (PAEDOPHILE) ESTABLISMENT TO ITS KNEES Dear Rt Hon Chris Williamson. As I understand Court Process, IT electronic communications (e-mails) are admissible as Forensic Evidence in Criminal and Civil Trials as Court File Form N265 Full Disclosure Exhibits. I have been reminded in an e-mail to me by Stop The War Coalition That on Thursday 29 January 2015 MPs intend to debate the Delay in the publication of the CHILCOT IRAQ REPORT Therefore Sir, in this regard, I make and place ON LEGAL RECORD, your involvement to these events as identified within a historical chain e-mail correspondence and further, to ensure independent Record, notification to others including the cc Recipients. A forensic correspondence reference trail that will eventually ensure if there is Justice in this Country, you will be held accountable and face due process in a Public inquiry and thereafter, be prosecuted for perverting the course of Justice with your recorded Labour Party, Conservative and Liberal Democrat Politicians Politicians for your individual and collective failure as is your sworn Duty of Care, as Public Servants and, directly IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST to disclose vital evidence in regard to the ARMS TO IRAQ and a WMD Scandal for further evaluation to fact. It is ON THE RECORD and independently witnessed. You were requested as my Constituent MP, to disclose vital information Documentation surrounding these Public Interest issues to Parliament. This information and Documents were supplied by the writer, an ex commended service Royal Air Force Gen/ Tech GSE Engineer. It is further on record, you repeatedly ignored my requests in order for your own and Derby South MP Margaret Becketts Political survival and, to protect the senior leadership and integrity of the Labour Party and identified members of the House of Lords, Baronesses and VIPs not restricted to. Rt Hon TONY BLAIR Rt Hon GORDON BROWN Rt Hon ED MILIBAND Rt Hon KENNETH CLARKE Rt Hon NEIL KINNOCK Rt Hon PETER HAIN Rt Hon JOHN MANN Rt Hon JOHN HEALEY Baroness SCOTLAND Baroness VALERIE AMOS LORD DOUGLAS HOYLE Mr KEVIN JAMES CAHILL (Recorded past Intelligence Advisor to Lord PADDY ASHDOWN and ex PM GORDON BROWN) The Documentation evidence you were provided would expose the identity of known Senior Labour Party Politicians involved in major Government Corruption, The documents clearly and forensically identify the mechanisms, money laundering structures in the UK, FINCHLEY ROAD LONDON NW11 Boiler Rooms addresses locations, 26 interconnected FINCHLEY Rd addresses and Directly aligned to Senior Labour Politicians where the writer had identified the total CANADIAN, SOUTH AFRICAN, AUSTRALIAN and CYPRUS Criminal money laundering networks involved in the Covert WMD ARMS to IRAQ, IRAN and major on-going Trans Continent £billion Organised Crime fraud money laundering. Your failure to act as my Derby North Labour Constituent MP when, at a Witnessed Surgery meeting I provided to you a file containing 31 Documents recovered from the website of a Ms ANDREA DAVISON From this website Url, you were informed the writer recovered over 400 Political Scandal Documents relating to the purported illegal seizure of over 7000 unrelated ARMS TO IRAQ and VIP PAEDOPHILE RING Documents, Files, Notebooks, Computer Files, Portable Hard Drives by 19 Derbyshire Police under a Proceeds of Crime Order relating to the operations of a Criminal Network Boiler Room and Fake Document Factory on the 13/1/2010 from the properties of Ms TARA ANDREA DAVISON. Ms ANDREA DAVISON fled the UK prior to the commencement of her Criminal Trial at the Mold Crown Court North Wales on the 4/7/2012 and concluded on 25/7/2012 where Ms ANDREA DAVISON was convicted by a Jury of 26 charges including charges of Fraud, Theft, Falsification of Census records and running a Fake Document factory, Fake Passports, IDs, Fake Watches and providing fraudulent Documents then used by International Fraud networks in London, Spain, Thailand, Panama, Canada, Cyprus and other International Countries identified as N265 Form Exhibits in RCJ QBD Case HQ10D04366 Court Case by the writer. The only Defence Witness at the Criminal Trial for Ms ANDREA DAVISON was: MR KEVIN JAMES CAHILL who, like Rt Hon ex PM TONY BLAIR and his affiliated WINDRUSH VENTURES LIMITED who like Italian Courts Convicted Fraudster DAVID MACKENZIE DONALD MILLS the Husband of Labour MP TESSA JOWELL In Companies House research evidence used over 100 Russian Doll Companies for money laundering for Convicted Fraudster ex ITALIAN Prime Minister SILVIO BERLUSCONI and the MAFIA and Companies under the Administration of on the Run Convicted Ms ANDEA DAVISON were all launched and Controlled by the recorded Directors registered at 788 - 790 FINCHLEY ROAD. LONDON. NW11 There clear document evidence submitted by the writer as exhibits in Case HQ10D04366 of how manipulative and deceptive Ms ANDREA DAVISON, a close friend of LORD DOUG HOYLE could be as she altered the WIKIPEDIA Biographies of Rt Hon JOHN BIGGS- DAVISON and Rt Hon PETER LILLEY and became extremely distressed when the writer recovered documents and presented in evidence, the complete Dismantlement of her CANADIAN VANCOUVER Operations Boiler Rooms, CYPRUS Boiler Rooms and named criminal partners, UK CHESHIRE Boiler Rooms, Residential Property Boiler Rooms in Bangor, North Wales and others not restricted to: 6 JUPITER HOUSE, CALLEVA PARK, ALDERMASTON READING LONDON. 254 AMESBURY AVENUE. LONDON. 5 HARLEY STREET LONDON. 9 HARLEY STREET LONDON. 1 MITCHELL LANE BRISTOL. 44 UPPER-BELGRAVE RD, CLIFTON, BRISTOL, 26 FINCHLEY LONDON ADDRESSES, 1 PARK ROW, LEEDS. 22 ARLINGTON STREET. LONDON SW1A 1RD I place this correspondence on Record, this to ensure you are further interviewed by an Authority body to examine the serious allegations and accusations made against you as a Public Servant along with named others, contained herein and, outlined briefly by the writer. Sincerely Mr Gordon Bowden
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:13:28 +0000

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