READ ME!!! READ ME!!! A MUST READ!!! PROPHETIC WORD FOR THE NEW MONTH... WHAT GOD IS SAYING… NOVEMBER 2014 Dearly beloved, It’s been a great year. Ten months have passed and we can joyfully say that the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day (Prov 4:18). Last month was indeed a glorious month as the Father unveiled to us through His Spirit, in the personality of His Son, the wonders of His Grace. We couldn’t ask for more in that month of double grace. His grace is truly and forever sufficient for us in every venture of ours as a Commission and as individuals. Here we are in another month. I will like to let us know that Wisdom Center Int’l is a movement. This therefore means we are ever progressing in the knowledge of truth, divine attainment and walking in greater light with each passing moment. That’s the sole purpose of our brief sojourn in this world; to know God better each new day. Is that your experience in your life? Is that your experience in your church? Or are you one of those who go to church just for what God can do for you and not because you take a personal interest in knowing and fellowshipping with God? Knowing God is what deepens your fellowship with Him. The more you get to know Him, the more synchronized you are with Him and thus the more Godlike you become. Worship is a true measure of your knowledge of God. Am not talking about mere intellectual facts about God but the “epignosis” (full knowledge of Him) which is a product of spirit-revelation to the soul. This deepens your worship and heightens your God-consciousness. The more God-conscious you are, the more Godlike you become. This is the true meaning of holiness. Are you one of those Christians who only gather in a place just to see God demonstrate His power to meet their material needs? How many Christians today have a sincere love for the truth? Nothing is as powerful as the truth. Men of great exploits have always been and will continue to be, men of Light and above all, men who love the truth enough to stand uncompromisingly on it against all odds. “Only those who do know their God…” We often quote this Scripture but how many of us are even remotely interested in really knowing Him? This is a question we shall be answering this month because the answer is what will define the height of your next level this season! We all have men of God we honor, respect and envy. Men who did great and extraordinary works for the Lord. We all have heroes of faith. Hebrews 11 is a biblical example of such a list. We all have a deep reverence for men like Paul, Abraham, David etc. What is common amongst them all? Take note that some even had conflicting doctrines; but one underlying principle: their love and devotion to the degree of Light they had. Truth is Light. Whenever a truth is revealed or restored, it is like the dawning of a new day. I am saying all these because prophetically, I see the daystar arise in your heart this month (2Pet 1:19). When this happens, you will see the prophetic word for this month come to pass in your life. Because this month, the prophetic Word for us all is: “God Makes All Things New” Isaiah 43:18-19. This is the month you have been waiting for. You believe it? Well, let the living faith in your heart be activated as you experience the tremendous power of the Gospel this month in Jesus name! You are the new thing Father God did. Never forget that! The Gospel was designed to reveal the riches and glories of the new man in Christ (Col 1:25-28). If you are not receiving such from your church, I dare challenge you today to relocate to where you will receive food in season. Shockingly the Gospel is rare today. We men of God, have kindled the interests of the sheep in other things but the Word of God. We have led them far from the river of Life and they are contented to drink from contaminated pools on the wayside. This month, you shall taste of the goodness of God, and you shall experience a shift that will place you right at the center of what God is doing in the now! There is nothing more glorious and more exciting than this. Therefore you shall experience new things in your life this season in Jesus name! Glory, Apostle Lefor Divine D. (The Apostle of Wisdom)
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 13:31:31 +0000

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