READ....READ....READ...MUST READ NSUI PRESIDENT HASIBA AMIN, IN LOVE WITH CHURCHILL ALEMAO by N Fernandes, London Tuesday - Feb 7, 2012 The New President of the National Students Union of India (NSUI) Hasiba Amin, has called, for the Vice President of the NSUI Sunil Kawanthkar, to be expelled from the Union, for Anti-Congress Party activities. Hasiba Amin, was elected by the Student Union following backing & sponsorship from Valanka Alemao. Hasiba Amin, is upset, as Mr Sunil Kawanthkar has brought charges against the PWD Minister, for mis-appropriation of PWD contracts to the tune of Rs 300 Crores. Earlier Mr Kawanthkar has also highlighted the drug menace in Goa and its spread, perpetrated by Drug Barons, Ravi Naik & Sons, and another Congress crook & corrupt. It beggars belief that this new President of the NSUI , cannot distinguish between the “wheat and Chaff” or “good and bad”. It is a well-known and incontrovertible fact that all Congress Leaders, like Ravi Naik and Churchill Alemao, are extremely corrupt. Instead of fighting evil, Hasiba Amin, who has barely stepped out of her Pram, seems to be trying to be a “crusader for evil”. She is happy to propagate and promote evil. It is shocking to note, that she is prepared with, her statements, to rub shoulders with well-known Corrupt Congressmen & women, for her personal aggrandisement and elevation to a higher Congress Stature. Perhaps Hasiba is blind and deaf. Perhaps she is naïve & stupid. Perhaps she has no grasp of the teachings of the Holy Koran. Perhaps Hasiba does not know the fully history of the Alemao family. Perhaps she does not read Newspapers (only the College Rag), condemning the Alemao`s and other Congress Members for their corrupt practices. Every Goan of every faith, is fully behind Sunil Kawanthkar`s brave efforts to expose the evil of the Alemaos, and the evils such as Loot & “thuggery” & goondaism, they have foisted & use on Goan Society. It is time the NSUI “sack” Hasiba Amin as President of the NSUI. She serves no useful purpose, for the greater good of Society or the Sudents. She should be removed and sent to carry Valanka`s handbag and assist Churchill’s vanity, by cutting his toe-nails and dyeing his greying hair.It will save Churchill visiting Neomi`s Beauty Saloon in Colva. Churchill & Valanka will reward her handsomely with some of the money looted from the Goan Tax Paying Public & that which is collected in her office in Benaulim. This looted money from Churchill will surely assist Hasiba Amin with her further studies and wicked morals and perhaps send her to a “Madrassa” for some religious training in good morals &uprightness. Today I challenge Hasiba Amin to tell me and everyone else, what is so great about The Alemao family from her perspective. Her response will make great reading…I am sure, even though it is most likely to be ridiculous, given all realities and the truth, it will nonetheless be amusing &a Theatre off sheer stupidity. A work of the devils` incarnate Hasiba Amin, should focus her energies on leading & fighting for Students, of all Political persuasions, for better educational facilities and more College places and scholarships and other pressing issues. If Churchill & Valanka have looted all the money, which is “visible” for all to see, how can Students benefit? Goan Colleges & Universities are falling apart. Entrance is often only available on provision of a donation or bribe. Perhaps Hasiba Amin is from a backward class or scheduled caste or tribe & all is free and allocated by an enactment. Has she brought Tribal Politics to the NSUI? Many Goan Parents are struggling, making sacrifices & sweating to give their Children a good education for a better future. And here we have a trumped- up naïve, and plain “ignoramus” President of the National Students of India (N.S.U.I) Ms. Hasiba Amin, battling to save the Churchill clan and others of the same tainted feather
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 09:05:27 +0000

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