READ THE HIDDEN AGENDA ..HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT... RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE !! ARE WE SO BLIND ?? WAKE UP AND SHARE!! Breaking the Back of Free Enterprise has been the Obama Cabals agenda, policies. Remember his announced objective SNARLINGLY SHOUTED TO HIS TAKER AUDIENCE was to fundamentally transforming the United States of America. He has been at it for 7 years. Breaking the back of capitalism under the weight of national debt accumulation associated with welfare spending. The coming ensuing crisis, will force and implement emergency government intervention which will, ultimately, replace the last vestiges of free enterprise with a democratic socialist framework (centralized economic planning and regulation with full-spectrum income redistribution). It will be too late to react then PEOPLE!! By then they will have found ways to void you vote, take away your guns and silence your social media! ARE WE SO BLIND ?? Its the Cloward–Piven strategy. A Strategy in simplest of terms - to overload the government welfare system to critical mass resulting in the replacement of current system with a state-directed national system of guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty. In 1970, Cloward told The New York Times that rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; collapsing the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would the rest of society accept their demands. Cloward-Piven strategy is being utilized – i.e. push for immigration reform to overload electoral system. Making an appeal for common sense – overload welfare/electoral system, increase spending and national debt along with implementing policies that strangle anyones chance to achieve the American Dream. Can you not see that this is the intent of this administration? Collapsing our entire economy ???. A basic tenant shared by Socialists, Marxists, Communists and Progressives is centralization of power. Basic philosophy is collective, reactionary, and opposition to the freedom of the individual. They fear individual freedom, because of the uncertainty on how that freedom will be used; thus the need to control all aspects of human activity. Individual freedoms are the essence of creativity and in most cases spiritual with respect to morality and a common set of values. The very nature of freedom is what enabled those in power to amass the wealth they currently have; yet, these same individuals want to prevent the rest of us from doing the same. THAT IS WHY I HAVE SO OFTEN REPEATED THAT WE CANNOT CO _EXIST!! WE CANNOT. THEY WILL NOT ALLOW US TO. History has shown that once centralization begins, and the momentum grows the more ruthless those in power become in exercising their authority and enforcement of policies to remain in control. Each step is always at the expense of the working Tax paying people. Entitlements take away the power of the individual to make their own decisions along with personal identity and respect. Population becomes complacent and apathetic not realizing individual responsibility and basic freedoms have been eroded, and any resistance would be futile. THEN SUDDENLY... ITS DONE!! Look more familiar now?? AMERICAS NOBLE PAST WILL BE A FOOTNOTE IN HISTORY. WAKE UP AND WAKE UP YOUR NEIGHBOR! ITS TIME TO START CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE AGAINST THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT .. IN ANY WAY YOU CAN... IT CAN BE YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE REVOLUTION
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 18:25:03 +0000

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