READ THIS BEFORE YOU WATCH THE VIDEO. I POINT OUT WHEN TO WATCH IT AFTER A PARAGRAPH OR TWO. I see a lot of talk about Halal meat at the moment, I also see a lot of people who dont know what it means. Halal is a form of slaughter which follows Islamic guidelines. These guidelines require the throat of the animal to be sliced open while it is still alive and still conscious. It takes a few minutes (longer for larger animals, quicker for smaller) for the animal to bleed to death, fully aware of the pain and suffering it is experiencing. Current EU guidelines require an animal to be stunned before slaughter. A strong electric shock is delivered to the brain rendering the animal completely unconscious before it dies. Sometimes the throat is cut, sometimes a bolt is driven through the brain using a high powered piston gun (Javier Bardem uses one in No Country For Old Men), either way the animal is unaware of what is happening to it.. This method is quick and virtually painless. This method is employed as the animal suffers as little as possible. Youll need a YouTube account to watch this video (their guidelines require it), but it should give you an idea of what the differences are. (My apologies for the soppy music.) Go watch the video. WATCH IT NOW! Now, if you watched that Im sure youll stop saying If the animal ends up dead either way, is there really any difference? There is a difference. A big one. I have no problem with a person wanting to practice their religion. I have no problem with someone wanting to follow the dietary regulations of said religion. However, when that religion calls for an extremely painful experience your religion is going too far. If you produce meat in the EU your animals should be slaughtered according to EU guidelines. Rules are rules, you cannot pick and choose which you want to follow based on personal beliefs.
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 18:46:42 +0000

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