READ THIS!!!! Its getting closer to the warmer months here is - TopicsExpress


READ THIS!!!! Its getting closer to the warmer months here is Aust and it seems that every second person is a health & fitness specialist, who knows everything about training and nutrition...... (Enter pseudo fitness name here) There are currently a lot of people who know nothing becoming famous from an Instagram or Facebook profile, yet if I spent 5 minutes quizzing them, they wouldnt know a thing about biomechanics, biochemistry, exercise physiology, periodisation or that the rectus femoris crosses 2 joints/anatomy. These are some of the complex fields of study we as strength & conditioning/health & fitness professionals must study on a regular basis. But hey who cares if I know anything or not, see my abs and Im really good looking. Right now I have seen a flood of posts about the latest program, buy my diet, this product should be illegal, yada yada yada!! I always wonder how many people buy these products and actually get results? I can hear you all saying where is coach mike going with this???? I openly admit I dont know everything & am still aspiring to improve all my skills as a strength & conditioning coach (regularly reading, still attending courses and workshops even though I have a masters degree). The most common question I am being asked right now is, what can I eat and how can I loose weight? I wish it was it was more about training programs!!! The training part for me is easy, I used to think the nutrition was pretty easy, eat good quality natural foods, stay away from anything processed... The more I have read or learnt about nutrition, the more complex it can appear to come across. Paleo vs vegan vs eastern vs western vs Alaskan vs juice vs metabolic type vs blood type vs Atkins vs internet guru vs baby food vs smoothie vs lemon vs banana vs space vs keto vs intermittent fasting vs the rest (note I have made some up for fun). There are quite a lot of different plans you can follow, how are you meant to find what works for you? Testing them all would take a long time. Often a lot of people will get results from a number of different versions, but one mistake I often see is how people structure their week. Now let be clear here I am not a nutritionist/naturopath, nor do I aspire to be one (would take me another 3 years at uni), however I will share with you all how I go about my nutrition, in terms of structuring my week, when I want to shift my body composition and lean out get rippedor shred for stereo as you might ask. Please note I am not going to give you a plan or tell you what to eat, how many calories you need, or what supplements to take, sell you a 12-week program to get ripped, this is about my experience in what has worked for me in terms of structuring my week to change my body composition. It may not be for you, or it might be part of the puzzle you are looking for in your endeavour to look good at the beach this summer. If you want the other information I suggest you book an appointment with the appropriate professional (nutritionist, naturopath, dietitian, or one who has experience in all 3), who has spent the time to study all the science behind nutrition, and focuses on this as a profession. Stay tuned for part 2 later in the week. Coach Mike
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 23:39:42 +0000

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