READ THIS NOW: The following is from Rob Cipriano, Founder of - TopicsExpress


READ THIS NOW: The following is from Rob Cipriano, Founder of AllHumanity Network. Help this Humanitarian ICON continue his global work by supporting through the Go Fund Me PAY IT FORWARD: HERO TOUR gofundme/7d1eeg From Rob Cipriano: Nothing And No Amount Of Pain Or Sacrifice Would Stop Me From My Goal Of Helping People. This journey I have been on has been remarkable in so many ways. I have challenged myself time after time, decade after decade to accomplish the impossible. I have found myself in places and in front of people that boggle the mind. I have taken every risk known to mankind in order to change the bad thing in this world. I can not bare to see children in any kind of pain. I can not allow these thing to happen while there is something I can do to improve their lot in life. I can not sit and do nothing when people are starving or needlessly dying just because they were born in places where food and nutrition are scarce. What a load to carry on my shoulder when you feel the hunger of the hungry. What a burden it is to feel the pain that a child feels when pain is the only thing they know. Unfortunately, these burdens and struggles have come with a toll. A toll that I do not regret in the least. When I flew to China in 2000 and I lived and worked with the children in a state-run Chinese orphanage, I played with them, rolling on the floors, climbing on the furniture and producing laughter and happiness. The filth and mold in this northern Chinese orphanage was disgusting. I did not mind. The closer I could be to the children permitted them to connect with me in so many ways. I was a child with them. They were happy children with me. Together we began to uncork the pent up toddlers in them. It mattered not that they were freezing with the Siberian winds at 30 and 40 below. It mattered not that they ate filthy infested rice and it mattered not that their caregivers beat them and handcuffed them to rod iron beds. For this time - for these months, we were the happiest people on earth. Children being children, laughing, smiling holding on to me. Physical touch followed by Gods love ... we were changing the world on that forgotten dirt road in the cold rice field miles from everything. Those days taught me something. They taught me that I could make a difference. That I was given the strength to improve the existences of people just by doing what I loved to do. I returned to the USA late Fall 2000 and I decided that I would create a company that would go about reaching more children in China. I quickly did the paperwork and returned to China in early Spring 2001. This time to Shanghai. I opened an office and hired a staff. I hired the right people in Shanghai and Beijing and, here is the miracle, I was given an appointment with the Minister Of Social Welfare for the entire country of China (PRC). This was amazing for I was only a crazy American who loved their children in a forgotten about rural orphanage. In May 2001 I flew to Beijing and as I was landing I noticed that I had horrible pain throughout my chest and back. I made my way to my hotel and laid down. I started taking Advil two at a time, and then three and four and five at a time. The hours were drawing closer and I needed to be ready for this divine appointment. I suited up and headed for the government complex near the Forbidden City in Beijing. The pain was growing and more intense by the minute. Nothing would stop me. My pain was nothing like the crushing unending pain all those children felt everyday of their existence. I arrived and was ushered into a plain room with a metal table with metal cold chairs and the interpreters were on both sides of the table. I began the discussion by explaining what an honor it was to be granted time with someone who was so noble and respected. Meanwhile, the pain had spread throughout my entire midsection of my body. I continued on, explaining that I wanted to bring my company to China and to cooperate with the Peoples Republic of China in the co-management of all of the orphanages in China. Of course the Chinese would have control, however, we would staff each orphanage with our friends from around the world. We would provide medical care and education in cooperation with the cultural expectations of the government. I watched in shock and awe as the Minister of Social Welfare Wang Suying smiled and said how noble and respectable it was for us, from another place on earth to care for their children so much. We talked for hours and created the framework for an international agreement between my company and all my partners like Microsoft and other to begin a program where we would cooperate together. The only thing that kept me from hitting the ceiling with joy was the now crippling pain. I could not show any weakness, no pain only respect for the gift they bestowed upon me. That evening I was invited to a private show in front of the Premier and dignitaries where I was the honored guest of the Peoples Republic of China. At this point I was eating 12-15 Advil at a time just to sit there and receive the honored gift of the government. At 11:45 I returned to the hotel and fell to the floor. Blood dripping from my mouth and other bodily areas. I sat in cold tub to stop the sweats. I was sicker than I had ever been. In the morning I made my way to the airport and returned to Shanghai, where I packed and caught the first flight back to America. I returned to the Washington DC area and was thereafter hospitalized in Virginia Beach. As the months went on I learned that I was poisoned by the mold in that orphanage. It had gotten into my bloodstream and started killing my liver and kidneys. However, the bright point was I had changed history between China and the USA. Nothing and no amount of pain or sacrifice would stop me from my goal of helping people. As the years went on worked on humanitarian diplomacy projects for the military in other troubled countries. I built up humanitarian websites and began creating the blueprint for AllHumanity in 2004. I began drawing together the people to change the world. I went looking for humans with hearts like I was picking strawberries, roaming the countryside looking for just the right ones who would produce humanitarian fruit across the globe, or, maybe in their backyard. Problem was, I was very ill. I suffered my first massive heart attack in 2004 and the doctors did open heart surgery and tried to rebuild from the damage. When they did, the air entered by body and reactivated the mold from China and it spread throughout my chest. The first heart attack was followed by 23 surgeries to attempt to catch the infections. 2005-2006-2007 and 2008 came along and I suffered yet another heart attack while landing in Atlanta to merge my company with a Georgia based company. The company executives came to ER while the Triage was trying to keep me alive and put the merger documents in my face and asked me to sign. I think that was a good enough sign to NOT SIGN. The hospital in Atlanta kept me for a week and sent me home with stents and such. Nothing and no amount of pain or sacrifice would stop me from my goal of helping people. I would rebuild and find international partners in 2009-2010 and shake loose the bad strawberries and proceeded forward with pain and agony that was insurmountably. I suffered another heart attack in 2010 and finally was crushed. With nothing left financially, medically destroyed and beaten up worse then Rocky in all the Rocky films, I found myself almost homeless. In 2011, the tornado hit Joplin and while I was trying to figure out the next step, I put together a team and sent them to Joplin to aid the poor residents whose homes and lives were destroyed. It did this while working on a laptop in a food court in a mall while sleeping in my car. No one knew this. I organized the AllHumanity 1st Responder Response and the team went in with medical equipment and bobcats and helped the people. Nothing and no amount of pain or sacrifice would stop me from my goal of helping people. My health getting worse each year as the muscles and arteries were just weakening by the moment kept taking its toll on me. Emotionally I was devastated. Financially I was devastated, but I would carry on still. The winds became colder and more intense. I stumbled instead of walked, I had those who wanted to destroy me and I kept walking stumbling and pushing forward. In 2012, I was given the opportunity to raise $265,000.00 in goods and supplies to the Veteran Victims on Superstorm Sandy in New Jersey and New York. I worked with Linda Mayo at Easter Seals and together we did it. During that time, I has nothing, not a dime, nor a nickle. I just felt that their troubles in the northeast were more important then mine. I mattered not !!! Nothing and no amount of pain or sacrifice would stop me from my goal of helping people. In 2013, I fell for the last time .... I suffered my fourth heart attack, this time the worse. It crippled me beyond belief. What was I to do? I had fed the homeless only one week before in Los Angeles, California on Thanksgiving Day and I felt something hurt inside. Their pain and hunger was worse. I had shoulders that could bare the pain inside. On December third, I dropped. The doctors worked for 12 hours to rebuild the RCA of my heart. They rebuilt and it failed again, and they rebuilt again. My insurance was good until December 31st, I needed to get me fixed up once and for all. Somehow, I would survive. My will to help others was stronger than my dying heart. I returned to the hospital on December 27th to try to further mend the arteries. The insurance ended January 2nd, 2014 and I was kicked out of the hospital. Time to die I thought ... I had friends who gave me solace and piece for a month while my EF (Ejection Fraction) dropped by the week through January. I could not take it any longer and I climbed into my car and drove to UCLA Medical Center. I passed out while driving on the 405 and pulled over. This day was the day. I was admitted and the cardiac team started working on me. They confirmed that my arteries were never healed from December heart attacks and that I needed a heart transplant if I was to live. I spent two months in the hospital and they decided that due to my history of infections that, if I was to have the heart transplant I would not survive it, so they refused to perform the transplant. They said go and get your affairs in order and try to be comfortable ... I was discharged and have watched as my heart has weakened ever since. Nothing and no amount of pain or sacrifice would stop me from my goal of helping people. Today, I am blessed because, the fruits of this journey have me now realizing my dreams. The office and partners, all of you on Facebook and your Prayers are sustaining me. I await to return to UCLA as the other hospitals are not remotely able to help. I am begging the heart surgeons to take favor and to trust in the Lord that the infections will not kill me, yet not getting a heart will kill me. I face each day happy because the dream has become reality. When I am able to garner strength I come into the office and work because .... nothing and no amount of pain or sacrifice would stop me from my goal of helping people. I still need help and the Pay It Forward: Hero Tour still needs everyone to help a little. MediCAL pays a portion of the medical expenses and I still am fighting for my life, and that can be expensive. My friends, I conclude with this, nothing and no amount of pain or sacrifice WILL stop US from OUR goal of helping people. If you want to help US help people and help ME then please consider helping here. gofundme/7d1eeg I love you all and I consider you all my partners in AllHumanity Group ...
Posted on: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 04:05:43 +0000

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