READ THIS QOUTE FROM THOMAS HOBBES, (1588 1679), THE 17TH CENTURY BRITISH PHILOSOPHER, IN HIS LEVIATHAN (1651) AND COMPARE IT TO OUR NIGERIA OF TODAY. Once upon a time, everybody lived in a state of nature, in which there was no government, no society, and no commonly agreed upon morality, rules or laws, in short, a society in which there was no discipline. In such a state of nature, everybody would be serving his or her own individual self interests without regard for anyone else. Without discipline or law or morality, you would be free to club people over the head to steal their food or wine. But the problem is that someone stronger than you could then beat you up and steal the food from you. He went further by saying, Human existence under these conditions would be a war of all against all and that everybody would find life to be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. It is for this reason, Hobbes maintains, that people would come together and agreed to restrict their behaviour and would form a government to enforce these agreements. In these way, morality, discipline, and law would emerge. The final result would be that people would behave morally and become more disciplined in order to avoid social and legal sanctions. You will agree with me that these key concepts in Hobbes assertion is lacking in our Nigeria of today. Who has the capability, the mettle and the wherewithal to restore them back to us????? You have the answer in 2015. Vote wisely.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 10:43:54 +0000

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