READ THIS, VERY IMPORTANT. The march of the Islamic State of - TopicsExpress


READ THIS, VERY IMPORTANT. The march of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, across a swath of Iraq has fractured a nation and spurred Republican attacks that the Obama administration is on the verge of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Fox News host Jeanine Pirro tied President Barack Obama to the roots of the current assault. On June 14, Pirro offered listeners this insight into the ISIS leader. (ISIS is also called ISIL, for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.) The head of this band of savages is a man named Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the new Osama Bin Laden, Pirro said. A man released by Obama in 2009, who started ISIS a year later. And when Baghdadi left Camp Bucca, where the worst of the worst were held in Iraq, he threatened his American jailers saying, I’ll see you in New York... As house organ for the GOP, Fox News is no different than any other real news network except they can read minds, unlike some of their sympathetic cops... ************************************************************************************ THIS IS WHAT YOU WILL NOT HEAR ON FOX NEWS: A newly released report from the Senate Permanent Subcommittee On Investigations confirms that both liberal and conservatives groups received the same bad treatment and were targeted by the IRS. In short, Republicans lied about the IRS only targeting conservatives. The Executive Summary section of the report put the Republican IRS conspiracy down for the count, The Subcommittee investigation has reached many of the same conclusions as the TIGTA audit of the 501(c)(4) application process. The Subcommittee investigation found that the IRS used inappropriate screening criteria when it flagged for increased scrutiny applications based upon the applicants’ names or political views rather than direct evidence of their involvement with campaign activities. The Subcommittee investigation also found significant program mismanagement, including years-long delays in processing 501(c)(4) applications; inappropriate, intrusive, and burdensome questioning of groups; and poor communication and coordination between IRS officials in Washington and Cincinnati. At the same time, like TIGTA, the Subcommittee investigation found no evidence of IRS political bias in selecting 501(c)(4) applications for heightened review, as distinguished from using poor judgment in crafting the selection criteria. Based on investigative work that went beyond what TIGTA examined, the Subcommittee investigation also determined that the same problems affected IRS review of 501(c)(4) applications filed by liberal groups... Its always easy to recognize the lies the Cons spew into our airwaves daily, but they dont like to tell us all the details. Simple lies from simple monsters usually come to light though, especially from Conservative presidents... STOP THE LIES AND HATE. #VoteBlue
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 23:22:16 +0000

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