READ THROUGH THE NEW TESTAMENT IN 260 DAYS Tue...March 25th...Day - TopicsExpress


READ THROUGH THE NEW TESTAMENT IN 260 DAYS Tue...March 25th...Day 59.. Luke Chapter 16 The parable of the rich man and the poor beggar, Lazarus... If you are a man reading this, I feel confident that you will relate to the following observation; within minutes of meeting another male for the first time, we will invariably ask, “What do you do for a living?” From the answer we immediately, either consciously, or subconsciously, assign that person a value. If you are an important business man or civic leader, etc. you receive more respect than someone whose vocation does not share the same status. Check yourself the next time to see if I am correct. Lazarus was a beggar, full of sores, laying at the gate being licked by dogs. The rich man, intentionally unnamed by Jesus, lived sumptuously, respected by all, no doubt. Then, as Paul Harvey used to so famously say, “here is the rest of the story.” Interestingly, do you notice that even from Hell the rich man holds a condescending attitude toward Lazarus as he asks Abraham to send Lazarus on a mission to serve him? Perhaps, just perhaps, “What do you do for living?” is a poor way to assign value to a person...
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:13:36 +0000

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