READ TO THE END !!!! ;-) Tom Marcoux via Tom Marcoux Media, - TopicsExpress


READ TO THE END !!!! ;-) Tom Marcoux via Tom Marcoux Media, LLC Wow! My 22nd book Love Yourself to Financial Abundance and Spiritual Joy is Now available. Heres an Excerpt: BOOK ONE: LOVE YOURSELF TO FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE Need a way to improve your financial situation? Love yourself more. Bear with me a moment. I never expected to write a book like this. Then five of my friends had their lives disrupted—each of them by money problems. A question came to my mind: “If they loved themselves more, would they have been in better shape?” Life can slam us with surprise disasters. Stock markets crash. Loans are called. Medical problems! It’s reported 62.1% of all bankruptcies have a medical cause in the United States. So what can we do? First, we need to learn how to guard our personal energy and resources. To learn how to save money, live below our means and form both career and financial plans. We need to take daily steps. What does that have to do with loving yourself? In essence, we’re talking about taking good care of ourselves. If you had a friend visiting, you’d make sure he or she had a good meal and a comfortable place to sleep. It’s almost shocking how we don’t give ourselves as much attention. And some of us even fail to do the basics of good nutrition, sleep, exercise, and spiritual health. If you truly love yourself, you’re better prepared. Or if you do fall into a shocking, big financial mess, you’ll have some reserve energy so that you can face the tough reality and make the hard decisions—and take the needed actions. So why don’t people take care of themselves? It’s fear. I’ve done that. I’ve let myself get too busy in just surviving and failed to do what’s necessary to improve my life. But I’ve learned by personal experience that it’s okay to feel the fear, and it is still necessary to develop some empowering emotions and take self-supportive action. The idea is: when you love yourself, you do things for yourself as you would for a loved one. I can relate to feeling tormented by money problems. I’ve been there. I’m not speaking from a life born of privilege. I was out of my parents’ house at the age of 17. I lived in someone’s basement. I spent a lot of time hungry while working two jobs and attending high school. My staples were spinach, broccoli, rice and canned tuna fish. But I had a focus point: I am going to college. I was the first one in my family to earn a college degree. When in college, I’d disappear when people in my dorm ordered pizza. Why? I didn’t have money to participate in paying for it. So I didn’t take a slice. I had no extra money for pizza; instead, I was paying for professional grade videotape so that I could make projects that would ultimately win awards including a special one at the Emmys. But by letting my fears about money run my life, I missed out on times for nurturing college friendships and even networking. With what I know now, I’d just make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sit and talk with the assembled college students. But back then, I was just too embarrassed. Lack of money was pushing me around. Now, I ask you: Is lack of money pushing you around? If so, this book can be helpful for your situation. So I basically shut off opportunity—all because of embarrassment about my financial situation. Later in life, I realized my mistake, and I saw I wasn’t alone. I was not treating myself as I would a friend. I was on a path of formal education. But I blunted my opportunities because I was not treating myself with the kindness and support that I would show a beloved family member. Aren’t you like a family member to yourself? Or wouldn’t it be better if you did show yourself kindness like you would to someone you love? Further, I had Three Realizations: When it comes to financial abundance, to love yourself includes times when you: 1) Take extra care of yourself because you need more energy to do extraordinary tasks. 2) Overcome resistance. 3) Take new action to get the support, training, and rehearsal time to develop new skills and new patterns of behavior. 1) Take extra care of yourself because you need more energy to do extraordinary tasks. To increase our income we’re going to need to do new things and sometimes put in extreme efforts. We need to take great care of ourselves because we need extra energy to do extraordinary things To get rich, you can’t be normal. — Noah St. John Before we go further, let’s get over one hurdle. Some people mistakenly think “love yourself” is “self-centered.” Stop! Love yourself is kindness and support. versus Self-centered is misguided self-obsession, self-conceit, and one’s ego running amuck. To love yourself is to empower yourself to do good things in this world. If you give yourself good self-care (excellent nutrition, sleep and more), you have the power to express creativity and kindness. You even can demonstrate patience, calm and clarity of mind when other people need your help. In my twenties, I learned the value of staying strong and alert. At the age of 21, I waited for a San Francisco bus at the corner of Mission and 22nd street. I noticed a small boy playing with his toy truck on the sidewalk near the curb. He was about six years old. No parent in sight. The boy rolled his toy truck. It zoomed out of his hand, off the curb and into the street. The boy jumped to his feet, on his way to retrieve his toy. My intuition barked at me to, hold him. I grabbed him. At that moment, a bus smashed the toy truck. Pieces flew about. The bus mangled the toy just as it would have the boy. Later I told a friend. He asked how I felt, having saved this child. I felt different things. Gratitude. An intense feeling of pure gratitude that I did not hesitate. Curiously, I did not feel pride, but I did feel fear. A fear of what would have happened if I had hesitated. Why might I have hesitated? Staying up too late for five nights would have left me alone in my own state of misery. If I had allowed my body to run down and I was ill, I might not have paid attention to the boy. My point is: That morning I had enough sleep, so I was wide awake, able to listen to my intuition, and able to act quickly. I invite you to realize that you need to take good care of yourself so that you can make good decisions. Sometimes a decision must be made quickly and you must take fast action. Imagine what it would have been like if I hadnt acted. When I held the boy, he cried out in disappointment that the bus had demolished his toy. That was when his mother appeared and yelled at me in a language I didnt understand. Her fury did not diminish the gratitude I felt that I had the resources to act quickly. I recommend that you love yourself enough to take good care of yourself. Then you’ll be ready and able to do what is needed and what improves life for all involved. To take good care of yourself, consider moving beyond a “just getting by” approach to life. Make it a priority to get more rest, for example. With additional energy, you can focus on creating more and better in your life. 2) Overcome resistance. When you love a child, you make sure she brushes her teeth. She’ll likely give you resistance, but you’ll brave it because the child’s well-being is of primary importance. When you love yourself, you’ll do the tough things to make sure that you become the person you want to be, the person who attracts success and financial abundance. [End of Excerpt] For more about this book, see https://createspace/4462724
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 09:50:45 +0000

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