READ: from the transcript of President Rouhanis speech at the UN: - TopicsExpress


READ: from the transcript of President Rouhanis speech at the UN: To fight the underlying causes of terrorism, one must know its roots and dry its source fountains. Terrorism germinates in poverty, unemployment, discrimination, humiliation and injustice. And it grows in the culture of violence. To uproot extremism, we must spread justice and development and disallow the distortion of divine teachings to justify brutality and cruelty. The pain is made greater when these terrorists spill blood in the name of religion and behead in the name of Islam. They seek to keep hidden this incontrovertible truth of history that on the basis of the teachings of all divine prophets, from Abraham and Moses and Jesus to Mohammed, taking the life of a single innocent is akin to killing the whole of humanity. I am astonished that these murderous groups call themselves Islamic. What is more astonishing is that the Westem media, in line with them, repeats this false claim, which provokes the hatred of all Muslims. Muslim people who everyday recall their God as merciful and compassionate and have learned lessons of kindness and empathy from their Prophet, see this defamation as part of a Islamophobic project. https://dandelionsalad.wordpress/2014/09/25/iranian-president-hassan-rouhanis-speech-at-the-united-nations-assembly-september-25-2014-transcript/
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 07:41:38 +0000

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