READING BETWEEN THE LINES. It is quite obvious that the new - TopicsExpress


READING BETWEEN THE LINES. It is quite obvious that the new government under JOKOWI’s administration has been indicated to have mortgaged the nation abysmally inasmuch as there are a bunch of the government’s agenda that are perceived to be deemed treasonous and have the proclivity to make money illegally to implement JOKOWI’s promises during the earstwhile presidential campaign. The fuel price hike after a month of JOKOWI’s induction as a president has been seen as inconstitutional and sparked nationwide castigation, leading to political upheaval that will potentially foment the country’s disintegration beyond doubt. In addition, all ministers who are supposed to bolster JOKOWI’s policies in carrying out his plans are considered sycophants who delight in approving any acts and moves he performs despite their being indecent and silly, rendering them to be labeled as both incompetent and lawless. The cabinet seems to have perpetrated some blatant blunders that may jeopardize JOKOWI’s position as a president who is supposed to be able to appease the tension caused by his erroneous policies that tend to agonize people so overwhelmingly that they are overcome with grief beyond imagination. Meanwhile, AHOK, the controversial governor of Jakarta, has wantonly imposed a ban on motorcyclists to pass Jl. Sudirman, Jl. Thamrin and Jl. Merdeka Barat on the pretext of reducing the congestion, leading to toxic denouncement as well as grim concern among the society who are fed up with his governance that is regarded as lopsided. His attempt to allegedly smooth the traffic has unequivocally put the residents in misery as many of them must drain their pockets more deeply to buy the sky-rocketing fuel after they are compelled to take longer lanes towards their destination. ‘Ojeg’ (taxi motorcyclists) have to lose their jobs now that they are no longer allowed to pass through the crowded avenues, whereas couriers must languish in agony for they are scoffed at by their clients who are peeved by their tardy delivery. Those who are accustomed to wandering through the main thoroughfares must be stricken with angst and disillusionment. It is by no means certain yet that both JOKOWI and AHOK are able to please the public with their unprecedented policies that are apt to be null and void. The two imbeciles are unrelentingly eager to wreak havoc in the nation, bringing forth public inertia as well as resentment that may turn awry in the offing if there are no concrete measures from them to improve their performance in serving the public appropriately. Moreover, Rini, the minister of state-owned companies has recently sparked controversy over his incendiary public statement to sell her own ministry building to private enterprises at their disposal. She likewise foolishly states that it is possible for expatriates to lead State- owned companies, convincing the public that JOKOWi’s administration is nothing but a rogue sales agent that is poised to destroy the last vestiges of the republic egregiously. Some people may have been fooled by JOKOWI’s counterfeit moves, yet plethora of cultivated individuals are absolutely aware of the peril of his delusional steps which are inclined to side with foreign interests to exploit Indonesia’s natural resources en masse. Indeed, it is crucial that the people be able to join hand in hand to keep an eye on the governmental ways of running the simmering nation to such an extent that they will not be a time bomb ready to explode and decimate the entire people callously. In a nutshell, there is an element of truth over JOKOWI’s misconducts which are inherently associated with foreign interest to annex the wide terrain of the country for the sake of avarice that must be channeled right away regardless of the despicable ways. (Jakarta, 18 December 2014)
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:42:39 +0000

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