REAL CHANGE Previous Kerry Shook 8 hours ago How does God - TopicsExpress


REAL CHANGE Previous Kerry Shook 8 hours ago How does God implement real, lasting change in our lives? Oftentimes, he uses incredibly difficult and even humiliating events. In the life of Peter the apostle, it was a meltdown that made the difference in his life. After Peter denied Jesus three times, we read in Luke 22, “And immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. At that moment, the Lord turned and looked at Peter… And Peter left the courtyard, weeping bitterly.” You see, Peter followed the crowd that was taking Jesus to trial just to see what was going to happen. Three different times someone asked him, “Hey, aren’t you’re the guy who was hanging out with Jesus? I’ve seen you. You are one of the disciples.” He said, “No, I never knew Him. You’re crazy. You’re out of your mind.” He denied Jesus three times. Then we read that the Lord turned and looked at Peter. I don’t think it was a look of anger, a look of disgust or resentment. I think it was a look of love. When the Lord looked at Peter, that look cut straight through to his heart, and he remembered what Jesus had said earlier. “Before the rooster crows three times, you’ll deny that you ever knew Me.” Then it says Peter left the courtyard weeping bitterly. That’s the picture of a broken man, completely melted down. But that was the beginning of the greatest comeback in all of history. His pride had melted away. Pride prevents change and it prevents God’s power from working in our lives. Maybe today you’re broken in some way. Maybe you’re in the middle of a broken relationship, and If you’re like me, you’ve been trying to fix it because you’re a fixer. But this one is over your head. A friend of mine once told me he was having a problem in his family, and he said, “I’m a fixer. I’m used to fixing major problems at work, but I can’t fix this. I’ve tried everything. It feels like my arms have been cut off.” Have you ever felt that way? You’re in a good place. God has allowed this to melt away pride and ego and other things that aren’t what they ought to be, so He can get to the real heart of who I am. God’s not finished with you. If you’re broken today, take your brokenness to God. He can begin healing your heart and healing your relationships. He wants to bring you to the place where you stop trying to fix everything and you turn to Him. Stop trying to live in your own strength and turn to His strength. Real change begins with brokenness.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 14:06:19 +0000

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