REAL FREEDOM IS EARNED, NOT GIVEN. This is a time when we all - TopicsExpress


REAL FREEDOM IS EARNED, NOT GIVEN. This is a time when we all have to do a little bit of introspection. We need to determine whether what we hope to embark on is attainable, justified and worth persuing. Will the population rally behind this Movement when it is eventually launched countrywide, how will the authoritarian regime ruling as a constitutional Military dictatorship respond to the actions of the Movement. We got our independence on a silver platter, no shots fired, no quarrel except that we were made to inherit a system of governance alien to us as a Nation. We however did relatively well to coexist peacefully under such a system. Those with access to the Mechanisations of power got rich and powerful while those in the periphery got the raw deal. It is a situation similar to Africans leaving under the apartheid regime. The system condemned them to lives of violence and poverty while the beneficiaries thrived. In depth analysis of the status quo therefore shows that while almost all of Southern Africa had to struggle for her independence then, ours was merely postponed when the receeding Colonialist sponsored her stooges to hold the fort. The BDP leadership was groomed for keeping the imperialist door open. That door remains open till this day. More liberation oriented parties were blocked as the foreign Constitution was introduced to ensure a perpetual BDP rule. It worked well for them, for some time, just like apartheid did. The timeframe of their plan has however elapsed for the British plan on a 50 year time basis. Now its our time to earn our Freedom. Nobody hands you freedom unless you vigorously seek it and take it. By emancipation we mean being in charge of our affairs. We want to matter. Be heard and have our failure or success as products of our own doing. We want to own our economy and not be recipients of charitable gestures as in slave wages, temporary relieve measures and exploitative schemes of political expediency. The times of a population that felt that it was being done a favour through the provision of minimal social infrastructure is over. The previously predominantly rural populace has now come of age to know that luxuries and comforts are not a privilege of a chosen few. They have unmasked the exploiters who had for long been amassing untold riches at their expense. Now the People demand their wealth. Democracy is an elusive yet dynamic concept. As in many other products, this product of revolutions and social engineering has been sold to Africa in corrupted form. How is it that it is only in Africa where the majority of elections is always disputed causing upheavals, wars, famine and disease. One could hereby conclude that the societal stench polluting the Continent is a deliberate product of the former Colonial Masters. Are we Africans immune to peace and tranquility. Are we inertly poor at Socialisation. Is our continent resource poor? All the above questions are answered in the negatives. We are a previously well organized People with ample wealth to go about. When the Colonial thugs descended upon us, they decultured us and introduced their own culture to us, thus cementing our failure and death as a Continent. Our revolution should therefore be understood as a quest to determine who we are. Is it attainable? Why not? We are not asking anybody to hand us anything. We merely are, after realizing who we are, seek to stop assisting oppressors in their act of oppression. Some say our Nonviolent methods will not take us anywhere, that we are cowards turning another cheek. To those we should say ours is based on the ability to be stubborn and resist a powerful opponent powerfully. Non cooperation, defiance and disruption of socio economic and political processes of the oppressors are powerful enough to bring them to the table for negotiation table. However, freedom is non negotiable, it belongs to the population and needs not be divided to suit anybodys condition. Lastly, if ours was thought to be a shining example of democracy, The PLM is not here to spoil the party but add real meaning to it.There was always going to be a second phase of African Liberation. A phase where we would have now seen into the dummy we were sold as independence. Other countries will follow suit as they realize that a government system that excludes the population in the running of the Country is unsustaible because popular aspirations will hardly ever be met. The people will realize that and either continue with the see saw political party relay game, choose not to vote or go the violent way to depose regimes. Coups have been staged all over Africa before but with little success as the military outfit proved to be worse than civilian dictators. It is only through Nonviolent Civil action that the People could assume positions of authority. Thank you.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 07:58:13 +0000

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