REAL REFLECTION MOMENTS:- A mr Putin said yesterday life on - TopicsExpress


REAL REFLECTION MOMENTS:- A mr Putin said yesterday life on Television that he Putin has the authority to invade ,conguer,and occupy Ukraine,the question to reflect is ,From why did he Putin get this powers?,and why does he need such powers?.I thought in the modern Europe of the 21st.century nobody can claim to have powers of other independent free Republic,but Putin still went further and put in question the existence the one nation of Ukraine.Yesterday a mr Putin did agree that those troops in Crimea-Krim,who forced people of Crimea to hold a forceful referandum to join Russian Soviet Federation,were actually Russian Military personels and forces specially trained to claim Crimea back to Russia before Crimea could become a NATO stronghold.(Politics of Fears,and occupation in the 21st.century).I do meditate that Mr. Putin got powers from HELL to cause a civil war in Ukraine,and through such happenings then claim to be the saviour to liberate the Russian people in the Ukraine,through occupation of South,East and most parts of Ukrainian Nation in the 21 st century.Its politics of Natural Gas,and Oil,causing suffering and soon many deaths in the Ukrainian Nation.Putin was once a President and never achieved anything,he came back as a Russian Prime Minister and changed the Russian constitution to allow him be a dictator of the modern times in Russian Nation,that does not respect the basic fundamental human rights of the political opponents,and Russian governments critics,Many are suffering in Jails,lacking healthcare,those working with no governmental organizations are killed and nobody is taken to court or does take political responsibilities.Putin says that Ukraine should not exist in the form it is,since he does not scope and understand why and how Ukraine exist the way it is.Mr Sergei Lavrov,and Mr. Putin are really cheating the Universe,and the European business partners,since Russia cannot survived without Europe imports and exports to Russia,its sily to believe that Puti and Lawrov are telling the World the Truth,the two keep on telling the Russian Television that there are not Russian special troops on borders between Ukraine and Russia,but everybody can see the many tanks,and troops on alert on the borders of eastern Ukraine,Putin tells the World that there are no Russian troops in Crimea-Krim,but everybody anywhere watchig carefully can see everywheren Crimea-Krim full of Russian Troops.The question is what does a mr.Putin and a mr Lavrov want in the 21st century modern human universe?.Ukraine should be left alone to decide their future,and what kind of governemet they desire for the future,without Putins´inteference and causing civil war.Ukraine should be allowed to go back to its Neuclear-Atomic electricity and power supply system to avoid every time being blackmaildéd by Gasprom and Putin´s dictatorship rule.Ukraine needs proper friends,and people ready to aid Ukrainians in training its leaders in true leadership opposed to corruptions,racism,anti-semitic,and encourage equal opportunities for all Ukrainian in the whole Republic.Ukrainian leadership and politics should be more open,free,and respect the rule of law,encourage multiparties centered on ideals,policy,job creation,and development of the whole Ukrainian Republic.Ukraine has to learn to live together as a nation and a state in solidarity with its people,for the sake of Europe and its values of humanism,and not cultural and tribal divisions in the 21st.century.Its time Russia na d Putin are shown a red card,since Europe is not ready for any other dictatorship,and territorial occupation in the 21st.century.Europe borders must not be changed through tanks-power and military forces,but through diplomacy,and love of humanity.Ukrainian people desire and want peace,love,compassionate,and run the affairs of their nations without a mr Putin´s interference yesterday,today,and tomorrow......A mr Putin does live in the past historical moments of the 17th,18th,and 19th century,he is not fit for the 21st century diplomacy and human love politics of innovation and bettering of human life............!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 12:42:03 +0000

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