REAL TALK Black folks are appealing to laws pertaining to the - TopicsExpress


REAL TALK Black folks are appealing to laws pertaining to the Ferguson situation that were put in place by the same people that are jacking us up. Isn’t that something? We go to Church and embrace the same doctrine that justified our enslavement in the first place. The God we worship doesnt look like us, we purchase products that we ourselves can produce but we have been convinced that their products and ways are superior to our own. We have thousands of black universities all over the world, but none of them teach in any African language. But then, we get pissed off that white folks do not respect us. what a shame that we have lost our collective minds and common sense. If we allow ourselves to be insulted, and disrespected by other communities, they will insult and disrespect us. We are a bunch of fools who think that we have overcome anything. Its really unfortunate that the type of leadership that were exhibited by the likes of Kwame Nkrumah, Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, Harriett Tubman, Nelson Mandela, Ahanyi Kama Onu Kama Onyioha, Jomo Kenyatta, Marcus Garvey, etc. is fleeting in today’s African communities globally. We have lost the gall to tell the world that we have as much right as any other world communities to sit at the same table and partake in all the goodness and riches that life has to offer. In Africa, we have no control over our resources, in the United States of America, we would rather drop $250.00 on a pair of Nikes than support our own businesses. Even some African and African American businesses still have to validate their existence by muddling their business models with those of other communities to feel relevant. In our communities, we continue to slaughter each other over control of the drug trade in our neighborhoods, and then go ballistic when one of our own is killed by white folks. It’s so funny that the same system that is locking up our sons and daughters in jail over marijuana sale and use are now poised to rake in millions of dollars dealing in the same legalized Marijuana sales in states such as Colorado, Washington, etc. Then, we take to Facebook and ask folks to type “Amen” if Christ is their Lord and Savior, but will treat our keyboard like a virus when enlightened minds share information on how we can reclaim our dignity. Last time I checked, neither Christ nor Mohammed hailed from Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, or Congo. Furthermore, we refuse to support efforts that are geared toward products that will minimize the perception that the African is not capable of original thinking. You continue to act like a House Negro, and then wonder why you are disrespected. Stop complaining, and take the bull by the horn, people. Respect is earned, not doled out to a bunch of wussies who would rather complain about being disrespected when they continue to sell their dignity to the highest bidder like aged whores. Yes, I said it.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 05:25:59 +0000

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