REAL TALK: It has been a while since I posted anything on this - TopicsExpress


REAL TALK: It has been a while since I posted anything on this forum: Real Talk. In keeping with the theme FORGIVENESS.........I want to share an experience I had. I will not go into details but the bottom line is that two years ago a teacher said something to me about a “close relative”. After intense investigations I realized that the teacher had exaggerated in a gigantic way. The child in question cried and cried and begged to be transferred to another school. The issue was laid to rest……but needless to say I never forgot about it. It created a bitterness within me that resurfaced time and time again. Last year, the same teacher did a similar thing to another child and the parent immediately dealt with it. The said teacher fumbled when the parent asked for proof. Needless to say, the teacher was shown up for this. The old hurts and resentments resurfaced and I was mad at myself for not handling it the minute it came up like that parent did. Only today, in keeping with the theme FORGIVENESS and doing some research that I realized that I have been nurturing the seed of hatred without realizing it until now. According to Acts 17:30 (King James Version (KJV)) “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent.” Now that I know that I am harboring an unforgiving seed, the Lord will not overlook this. I will lay it at His feet and ask that He gives me a new heart. As Christians, our ultimate goal is Heaven…………. We need to maintain that “prayer contact” with God on a daily basis. How can God answer my prayer if I nurture such negative feelings in my heart? Have you examined your heart? Do you harbor ill feelings towards others? If yes, let go and let God. He will deal with it in ways we haven’t dreamed of. Allow Him to fight our battles and we will be victors every time. I thank God for speaking to me through the Theme:FORGIVENESS. May God bless us all and help us to forgive others as HE forgives us. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I forgot to mention two important details: 1. I am not bashing teachers as I too am a teacher. 2. The teacher had good intentions but went about it in the wrong way and in so doing hurt a few people in the process.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:08:21 +0000

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