REALITY TRANSCENDS SPEECH AND IS BEYOND DESCRIPTION AS BEING OR NON-BEING D.: What is reality? B.: Reality must always be real. It has no names or forms but is what underlies them. It underlies all limitations, being itself limitless. It is not bound in any way. It underlies unrealities,being itself Real. It is that which is. It is as it is. It transcends speech and is beyond description such as being or non-being. D.: The Buddhists deny the world whereas Hindu philosophy admits its existence but calls it unreal, isn’t that so? B.: It is only a difference of point of view. D.: They say that the world is created by Divine Energy (Shakti). Is the knowledge of unreality due to the veiling by illusion (Maya)? B.: All admit creation by the Divine Energy, but what is the nature of this energy? It must be in conformity with the nature of its creation. D.: Are there degrees of illusion? B.: Illusion itself is illusory. It must be seen by somebody outside it, but how can such a seer be subject to it? So, how can he speak of degrees of it? You see various scenes passing on a cinema screen: fire seems to burn buildings to ashes; water seems to wreck ships;but the screen on which the pictures are projected remains unburnt and dry. Why? Because the pictures are unreal and the screen real. Similarly, reflections pass through a mirror but it is not affected at all by their number or quality. In the same way, the world is a phenomenon upon the substratum of the single Reality which is not affected by it in any way. Reality is only One. Talk of illusion is due only to the point of view. Change your viewpoint to that of Knowledge and you will perceive the Universe to be only Brahman. Being now immersed in the world,you see it as a real world; get beyond it and it will disappear and Reality alone will remain. ~ Teachings of Ramana Maharshi in His own words
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 01:20:49 +0000

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