REALLY BRUCE? THATS NOT WHAT I GET FROM THIS YAHOO ARTICLE! Bruce is trying to be satirical, right? How about SHINBET/IRGUNs Begin, Ben Gurion, Sharon etc... blowing up British restaurants and King David Hotel for the Jewish State? You cynical hypocrite! Here is a Jewish man, an American entrusted with judicial power by the American people, Judge Borman who as a District Judge of the United States of America also has secret ties to Israels Zionist military and probably, as well as to Mossad, and who has been dispensing Jewish parti-pris justice to naive plaintiffs and defendants, with the pretense of impartiality for so long, and yet, here is Bruce pretending that no problem exists! Bruce, why do you think Judge Borman recused himself from the case? Are you trying to be more royal than the king himself? Judge Borman recused himself! Blatant conflicts of interest! Yet you trick posters into focusing on so-called terrorists while brushing aside the flagrant politicization of U.S. courts by Jewish Americans too bound by partisan allegiance to Zionist Eschrak Israel to ever be just, impartial, fair and independent in their judicial judgments and decisions! Shamefully, with most of you Jewish Americans, its always hatred, deception, and bloodshed! How about Micah 6:8? Peace, love, the Good, humility, Merci! Zionists like you are cynical hypocrites ruining, sabotaging, distorting, and destroying the living republican democratic principles of Justice already secured by our form of free government on the Earth! Through blind ethnic clannishness, which is a form of fetishism or idolatry, you drive hatred to its most extreme depth of destruction! Zionists worship, yes, but not God who is a righteous Spirit to be worshipped in Spirit and in Truth! But Zionists worship biological lineage and carnal mortal sinful human flesh or ancestral blood relation! Why do you deny the human soul its due well-being? Why do you see only the material physical Earth and its natural resources as spoil and plunder? Why do you reject all moral entreating to goodness, charity, love, Merci, peace, and compassion? Why do you reject Jesus and eternal life while scouring the world in order to hoard a bunch of physical possessions that you end-up leaving behind anyway when you die for an honorable burial in the cemetery? God have Merci on your miserable souls! We pray that your eyes might be opened for freedom from satanic bondage to violence and bloodshed! Since it rains on both the righteous and the wicked, God bless you! And God bless the United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, with liberty and justice for all!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 05:04:10 +0000

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