REAPING WHAT YOU SOW. What does God’s Word say ? Be - TopicsExpress


REAPING WHAT YOU SOW. What does God’s Word say ? Be not deceived: God is not mocked: For whatsoever a man (or woman) soweth that he (or she) shall also reap. Galatians 6 v 7. Be sure (very sure) your sin will find you out. Numbers 32 v 23. Don’t do to anyone – what you wouldn’t want done to yourself or your loved ones. We are living in a world today where there is no justice. Evil is called good and good is called evil. There is no respect whatsoever for human life, neither for age or condition. Every day we hear of horrific murders and terrible atrocities. Many innocent people are suffering. Often, the innocent are penalised while the guilty walk free. How ‘sick’ and ‘in need of God’s help’ is our society today. As The Bible says, In the last days….. evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 2 Timothy 3 v 13. No doubt all of us at some time in our lives have been on the receiving end of some ‘foul deed’ or other. Maybe you have been the victim of a vicious, reputation robbing, malicious tongue, which has caused you great sorrow and distress. It is a sad fact that there are those who thrive on hurting or slandering others. Take heart and be encouraged today, knowing that God has heard every word, He knows your offender and will deal accordingly on your behalf. The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity; so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell. For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith bless we God, even The Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing; My brethern these things ought not so to be…… James 3 v 6-10. Death and Life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18 v 21. Some through hatred or jealously will go to any lengths to work evil against others in order to cause untold heartache and misery. You may ask the question - Why are so many people like this? In most cases it boils down to jealousy - which is the ‘Fruit of Rejection’ which is the underlying problem in the lives of so many individuals. When the devil is allowed into the life of an individual through these things - then in a ‘word’ - it all turns - evil. Horrifically, if not dealt with may even lead to murder. The Bible says:- Jealousy is as cruel as the grave; the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Songs of Solomon 8 v 6. So how do you combat this? - You pray to God. That is your answer. Evil people may do awful things to you - they may try to destroy you – sometimes ‘victims’ are cruelly taken to the limit. Yet you must never take revenge. Take the whole matter to The Lord in PRAYER - and leave it with Him. This we know is very, very hard to do - but be assured The Lord will deal with those responsible - in his time - in His way. Always remember the battle is not yours, it is The Lord’s. God is a God of Love and a God of Mercy - but - He is also a God of wrath and a God of Justice. Vengeance is mine; I will repay saith The Lord, Romans 12 v 19. If you read this leaflet and you know you are ‘an offender,’ guilty of some under-handed, premeditated, maybe anonymous action, deliberately planned against an innocent victim, in order to cause terrible trouble and hardship for that person - then, please do take note. You may think you are ‘anonymous’ - but you’re not. Your every deed - your every action is known to God and in His time He will repay. What you have done in secret - God has recorded and He will repay you ‘openly.’ There is nothing covered , that shall not be revealed, and hid, that shall not be known. Matthew 10 v 26. If you have been responsible for ‘setting-up’ your victim in order to cause trouble or make even take his or her life, then take seriously The Lord’s own words:- Be sure your sin will find you out. Numbers 32 v 23. What every individual sows - that he or she shall reap. This is The Biblical Principle of Life. If you sow for good you’ll reap good. If you sow evil you will reap evil, it’s as simple as that. Unless you repent – the evil you have been responsible for - will come right back to yourself or some of your loved ones. It will come back with a vengeance. There will most definitely be - ‘a pay-back time’ and, unless you repent and make restitution to your victim - your ‘pay-back’ will be severe. Be assured - you will be on your knees pleading to The Lord for mercy. When tragedy strikes - your home - a member of your Family - or maybe even your own child - all the misdeeds which you so liberally ‘lashed out’ upon someone else’s son or daughter - will flash across your mind and you will be in no doubt that The Lord is taking a dealing with you. Without repentance there is no remission of sin. What you sow that you shall reap !! However, never forget, that The Lord is merciful. When there is genuine remorse and repentance from your heart and the sincere intention of making amends, where possible – then The Lord will forgive you. He can also make the way for you to make restitution to your victim for those past injuries. With The Lord’s help all ‘bad’ circumstances can be turned around for good and for His glory. Nothing is impossible with God. Only believe and trust in Him. Our advice to Victims & Offenders: You all need The Lord’s Help. The Victim:- If you have gone through or are presently going through a terrible trial - perhaps some vile deed has been done to you - The Lord is your ultimate help. Pray sincerely to Him - no matter what the crisis - He will help you - He will also use some person/s to draw along side you to help and bring you comfort. You may find it difficult to understand why this trouble has been permitted, but, the most important thing to remember is, that God is in control. No matter how bad your situation - when you bring it to Him in Prayer - He will help you through. In times of crisis draw close to God. Never, never turn your back on Him, as some do. The closer you stay to God, the more you will be comforted by Him. The Lord is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 45 v 1. In my distress I cried unto The Lord, and He heard me. Psalm 120 v 1. Commit thy way unto The Lord; trust also in Him….. Psalm 37 v 5. Sometimes when terrible things happen - people will blame God or get angry with Him and ask the questions - Why did you allow this? Where were you when this happened?’ Your answer, in a nutshell– never question God – simply remember He is with you – just trust Him. Even though you cannot make any sense of it right now - believe me, in His time - God will turn your trouble around and bring good out of it. Your tears of sorrow will be turned to tears of joy. Never, you may say - never could any good come out of my horrible or tragic situation. These feelings are perfectly natural but keep praying and trusting God. He can and will give you strength to get through – He will give you the ability to cope. At a later date you will discover that your sorrow, your affliction, your suffering, your pain, your brokenness will not be in vain. You will be used by God to help some other poor soul experiencing similar difficulties. Only when you have gone through hard situations yourself, can you fully understand and relate to others going through similar circumstances. Blessed be God, even The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of mercies, and The God of all comfort; who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation….. 2 Corinthians 1 v 3-6. If you are not saved - then no doubt - The Lord is calling you into a personal relationship with himself. That is His ultimate desire for your life. To The Offender:- You desperately need help - The Lord’s help. The first thing we would encourage you to do is, take responsibility for your actions. Consider the error of your ways. You surely wouldn’t want to spend the rest of your life making things difficult for others. No doubt you have great insecurities in your own life. Possibly deep hurts or rejections somewhere along the line - perhaps stemming right back to childhood. However, none of these things give you the right to take your anger or bitterness out on someone else. You must realise this and seek help, otherwise, your own life will go from bad to worse and you will have a miserable existence. Perhaps in prison. What you have done to your victim – this is the devil working through you. Obviously he is having a heyday in your life. He sees you as ‘easy prey’ using you at every opportunity to cause havoc for others. At the end of the day his motive is to destroy you. Are you going to let him do this? Surely not. ‘Catch yourself on.’ Don’t let the devil rob you one more day – boot him out of your life once and for all. You may have been responsible for many wrong actions but if you turn to The Lord Jesus Christ in genuine repentance of all your sin and wickedness. Ask Him to forgive you and He will. Then just watch Him transform your life. Whatever your underlying problem - The Lord Jesus Christ will make a way for you. He can lead you to those who will give you all the practical help you need. He can also give you the strength and courage to go, make amends, and apologise to your victim. Every single person is guilty of sin and wrong-doing. Everyone has ‘skeletons in their cupboard’ but when they repent and ask The Lord to change their lives by Salvation, then He forgives and every bad situation can be changed around for good. Be willing to let Jesus Christ be your Saviour and Lord of your life. It is not the Lord’s will that any should perish…..but that all should come to repentance. Come now, and let us reason together, saith The Lord, though your sins be As scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1 v 18. …..him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. John 6 v 37. Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. John 3 v 3. If you are convicted of the error of your ways and you would like The Lord Jesus Christ to be Saviour and Lord of your life. Then humbly and sincerely – from your heart – Repent of your sins. Ask Him to forgive, to change, to transform every aspect of your life for good and for His glory. The following is a Prayer for guidelines – you can, of course, use your own words. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come humbly and sincerely before you now. I acknowledge I am a vile hell-deserving sinner, in need of your great Salvation. I believe that you are The Son of God and the Only way I can come to The Father is through You, Jesus. I believe that you shed your own precious Blood and died on the cross for my sins. I believe that you were buried; that you rose again on the third day. I believe you are now seated at the right hand of God, The Father, praying for me. So right now I earnestly REPENT of all my sins and ask you in your mercy to please forgive me. From this day forth I want to walk in newness of life, and in obedience to You. All this I earnestly pray from my heart, and by faith I receive you now as my LORD and SAVIOUR. Please fill me with your Holy Spirit and help me to confess Your Name and my Salvation before others? Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen. Having said this prayer with sincerity in your heart - the first most important thing you must do - is tell someone - your Minister - Pastor - or some ‘born again’ Believer who will help you as you step into your new life with The Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t be afraid to confess your Salvation to others. Pray and read The Bible every day. Get involved in a good Bible-believing Church. For your growth in ‘The Faith’ it is most important that you attend the Prayer Meetings with other Believers.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 15:13:14 +0000

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