REBORN CHRISTIANS.....AWAKE!!!!....CHRISTIANITY IS BEING REBORN. When.....Christianity is....REBORN.....Then Christians must be led to...CHRIST. I wish you can take time....suspend your.....In-Built-Religious-Defence-Mechanism-Judgements......Do about 10-Breathing Excercises....Be calm.....BECAUSE WHAT I AM ABOUT TO UNLEASH IN THE NAME OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE......MAY USHER YOU IN THE MOST DYNAMIC SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE YOU NEVER KNEW EXISTED. Nothing will cause you to miss....UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS.....than your...Present-Exclusive-Inboxed-Religious-Convictions-Beliefs-Experiences.....YOU NEED TO BE CHALLENGED.....THAT IS ONE OF THE WAYS YOU MAY WAKE-UP. Maybe you are a....BORN AGAIN-CHRISTIAN....but you are not aware that in every generation there is a....REBIRTH OF YOUR FAITH TRADITION COMMONLY KNOWN SINCE SAINT AUGUSTINE AS ....CHRISTIANITY. I am a keen student of....CHRISTIAN CHURCH HISTORY....I say that with all humility, lest I am accused by my ever watchful detractors as....Arrogant....To a certain extent....I AM GUILTY AS CHARGED.....IT TAKES A TSOTSI TO SEE ANOTHER TSOTSI.....WHAT YOU HATE-DETEST IN OTHERS IS EXACTLY IN YOU.....MAYBE YOU SHOULD KNOW BE REMINDED THAT WE SEE OURSELVES IN OTHERS. If you want an Enriched-Matured-Faith....I advise you to do an exhaustive study of....THE CHURCH FATHERS.....These are the guys who have shaped....THE CHURCH AS IT IS TODAY....Many of them were called....THE DOCTORS OF THE CHURCH....In the past I would give a...COURSE ON CHURCH FATHERS...Today I just tell you...punch....CHURCH FATHERS....on your computer....SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Since the discovery of THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS....THE NAG HAMMADI MANUSCRIPTS....THE GOSPEL OF THOMAS....AND MANY OTHER SUPPRESSED GNOSTIC TEXTS....The Christian Church has undergone many REBIRTHS THEOLOGICALLY....which unfortunately....THE AVERAGE-DAY-TO-DAY-CHRISTIAN....have no idea what.....THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THE CHURCH. The....religious POWER THAT BE...behind the scene in CHRISTENDOM are not happy about....MODERN TECHNOLOGY-INTERNET-FACEBOOK......THIS SOCIAL MEDIA REVOLUTION HAS CAUGHT....THE FREAKING RELIGIOUS SYSTEM WITH THEIR PANTS DOWN BIG TIME. Many Pastors hate.....THE FACEBOOK CHURCH......just listen to their...STRANGE SERMONS......They think FACEBOOK is of...THE DEVIL.........yet throughout their sermons you can tell that.....EVERYTHING THEY SAY IS FROM GOOGLE....verse by verse. Ladies and Gentlemen...PULPIT-POWER IS CHANGING HANDS. FROM CHURCH HALL TO FACEBOOK WALL. The last time I checked: MY CHURCH HALL PULPIT IS BECOMING WEAKER AND WEAKER.......MY FACEBOOK WALL PULPIT IS BECOMING STRONGER AND STRONGER. St. AUGUSTINE and St. Eusebius are considered...THE FOUNDERS OF ECCLESIASTICISM....That wors simply means....THE ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION OF INSTITUTIONAL CHRISTIANITY AS A CHURCH WITH ITS DISTINCTIVE ORTHODOX BELIEF-SYSTEM AND THEOLOGIES....Much of what you believe TO BE OF DIVINE ORIGIN...AINT SO.....THE CHURCH FATHERS DESIGNED IT TO BE SO. Dear Mr and Mrs-Miss CHRISTIAN-CHURCH...Listen to your FATHER EUSEBIUS about CHRISTIANITY BEFORE CHRISTIANITY: While the name Christian is new.....THE CHRIST PRINCIPLE....of our faith is not NEW....It has always been promulgated BY THE ANCIENT even before our OLD TESTAMENT PATRIARCHS.......That is your FATHER bearing witness to....Universal Christ-Consciousness...take some few BREATHS. Listen to another of your FATHERS.....St AUGUSTINE: That which is called....THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION...existed among THE ANCIENTS and NEVER DID NOT EXIST; from the very beginning of the huma race until the time when THE CHRIST came.....IN THE FLESH...... at which time the true religion which already existed began to be called CHRISTIANITY......Before you say anything nasty about....UNIVERSAL SPIRITUALITY.....Consult your....CHRISTIAN ANCESTORS........They are here...FULLY PRESENT WITH US. I hear BUDDHA again...500 years before JESUS....WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN EVERY MORNING. JESUS....500 AFTER BUDDHA....TO ENTER THE SPIRIT REALM....WHICH HE CONTEXTUALLY CALLED...THE KINGDOM OF GOD WITHIN....WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN. PAUL THE APOSTLE SAID....EVERY WE DIE....WHICH PRE-SUPPOSES....RESURRECTION EVERYDAY....REBIRTH....AWAKENING. Let me give time to reflect. To be continue..... Jacko....Ndabanhle Wa Ka Khosa......Nwana Manani.....YOUR BROTHER FROM YOUR OTHE MOTHER..........HOLA
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:57:33 +0000

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