RECALL PETITION FOR CITY COUNCILMAN RUSSELL SCHNEIDER TO: The City Council Members and Mayor of Temple, Texas We the undersigned citizens of Temple, Texas hereby present you with a petition for the recall of CITY COUNCIL MEMBER RUSSELL SCHNEIDER from office pursuant to Article 5 Recall of Officers City of Temple Charter. STATEMENT OF REASON FOR RECALL Whereas: Councilmember Russell Schneider intended to bypass Section 4.9 of the charter by allowing Judy Morales to be paid $40 an hour for working no more than 116 hours per month which, if fully realized, would equal $55,680 annually and maintain her seat on City Council. Whereas: Councilmember Russell Schneider has neglected to enforce Section 4.9 and immediately request council member and Mayor Pro Tem Judy Morales’ immediate forfeiture of office as required per the City Charter. Whereas: Councilmember Russell Schneider along with other city council members took it upon themselves to alter Section 4.9 of the City Charter (without due legal process) by accepting a resignation from Mayor Pro Tem Judy Morales from the Temple HELP Center (county employee) in lieu of immediately demanding she forfeit her seat on the city council. Whereas: Councilmember Russell Schneider allowed Mayor Pro Tem Judy Morales to not only return to the council but has sanctioned her run for re-election without seeking counsel from City of Temple residents who he represents and on whose behalf he is selectively applying City Charter rules. Whereas: Councilmember Russell Schneider was incompetent in applying Section 4.14 of the charter charging the city council to be judge of election of its members. “The City Council shall be the judge of the election and qualifications of its own members.” It was his duty to ensure that Mrs. Morales was eligible to run for City Council in 2011. Whereas: Councilmember Russell Schneider has himself violated Section 4.9 of the City Charter by securing city contracts through his R.T. Schneider Construction Company and others for financial gain. Per this section, “No Councilmember, appointed officer, or employee of the City having a direct or indirect interest in any proposed or existing contract, purchase, work, sale, or service to or by the City shall vote or render a decision, or use his position authority or influence in a manner that would result in his financial betterment to a greater degree than the general benefit to the public.”
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 04:07:03 +0000

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