**RECAP OF LAST NIGHT’S SIT** Yesterday afternoon we gathered - TopicsExpress


**RECAP OF LAST NIGHT’S SIT** Yesterday afternoon we gathered in the Morgan House Living Room and had a great chat. Dr. Jim Parker and I always there early and so we catch up on many things and discuss current events while we wait for others to arrive. Our conversation included many things, but coming readily to mind, Syria, Syrian Rebels and the recent execution of Aleppo, a 15 year old boy who spoke his mind about a non-inflammatory subject and was then beaten and executed. A pretty large FB conversation took place about this yesterday. I have vowed that when I speak my truth that I will from hereafter think of Aleppo and remember to remember the freedoms I hold. We also talked about Deepak Chopra, biorhythm (and perhaps including this in an upcoming practice), a recent book Dr. Jim has read involving agriculture and culture over the ages, and much more. By that time Chantyl and her Hummer arrived and the conversation turned to job interviews, dreams and interpretation, Feng Shui, etc. Pat was next, and came in and joined the conversation at hand. The birthday boy Pablo arrived next, and he shared with us commentary on his birthday happenings, a recent trip out of town, and the concert he attended (lasted 3 hours, y’all – excellent!). MB arrived a little early and joined in, and Hap wandered in! –with that, all was right with the world, and I can move to our sit! We moved to our sitting space and I announced the success of Jessie’s surgery, which everyone was very pleased to hear. She will have many weeks of recovery and we talked about how nice it would be to have her back with us when her hip can handle the chair again. She consulted with Joe by phone the day before, and so she was ready! With that, I invited the bell and we began our sit. During meditation I read two passages from Kevin Todeschi’s book on Karma. One passage talked about how we are constantly meeting self in our exchanges with others. The next passage involved soul mates and how that term has become so misunderstood, in that soul mates can be friends, parents, family members, teachers, priests – and lovers --whomever invites our souls to grow and learn by our interactions. There is always something to learn. At the end of our sit, our discussion began immediately when Hap said there has to be something more to karma than just learning, it had to be a bigger purpose. Everyone discussed that learning and growth allows our souls to progress so we can become our authentic selves, beyond ego and attachments. Hap, from a physicist’s viewpoint, shared his philosophy that there has to be a place (or realm) that is collective, where we can draw on higher knowledge. That made sense to many of us, as he went on to use Mozart as an example. We also talked about how people under hypnosis can speak dead languages (as one example) fluently. There are other examples, but those are the two I readily remember. I believe Dr. Jim also shared an agreement on Hap’s point. MB shared some of her work experiences in this regard and asked the age-old question: When you do this work and become authentic, then what? That’s the age old question, isn’t it? MB also brought up points that led to a talk about spiritual masters and we determined that there are many at this time due to all the changes taking place in the world, the dimension ascension, etc. One teacher may speak and touch one group of people, another teacher has great impact on another group. There is no one teacher for everyone. It’s all good and right for everyone in the time that is right for them. No judgment. Pat offered her recent experiences for our discussion topic of the evening: Cleaning up Your Side of the Street on Karma Avenue! We talked about the details of that situation, which I will not include here, but in the end, she handled in such a way that allowed her authenticity –the rest was up to them. She had cleaned up her side of the street. Pablo offered a practice he has learned in his intention work, stating that a tried and true response would be, “I’m sorry you are upset, it was not my intention to upset you.” That is another way of cleaning up. Such an exchange allows you to retain authenticity and at the same time offering a compassionate response. At that point, it is also up to them. Your side of the street is clean. We summed up that life is one big movie, and we are the actors. There is a theme and everyone has a role. Sometimes it seems like those upsetting movies will never end! But, once the lesson is learned, a new movie starts. We decided to practice this week in such a way that when difficulties arise (and they always do), we would pull back, drop emotional attachment to the situation, and try to see the bigger theme, take our emotions and ego out of it and find the key elements instead. Sounds easy, right? Not! We decided that if things become frustrating that we would call on our mindfulness buddies to help us talk through the situation at hand. As MB offered, it is often just a matter of writing it out or hearing yourself speak about it that makes everything become more clear. With that, our meditation time concluded and we parted. Looking forward to seeing everyone next week and discussing our progress! **Recaps are offered on a memory basis, and sometimes the memory fails! Hopefully I didn’t leave anyone out and important statements they made. Our group is a group of talkers, and there is so much great information flowing that it’s often hard to remember it all. Moral to this story: You have to be there to get it all! ascof-nashville.blogspot
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 13:29:50 +0000

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