RECEIVE. Our spotlight is still on Venus today with all her - TopicsExpress


RECEIVE. Our spotlight is still on Venus today with all her activity over the last 24hrs. Our ability to Receive is the theme I will be talking about today as Venus moves towards her meet up Pluto activating the last magical 9 degree point. Venus Conjunct Pluto is like having Venus in Scorpio. It is intense, obsessive, and desires to merge souls fully with another. Seeking a love to dive into that will mean the death/transformation of the very core of our beings. However Plutos dark side brings along with it trauma, the need for control in order to feel safe and trusting in the depth of love. Add Uranus, Chiron and Capricorn/Saturn to the mix and well, its somewhat of a train wreck of trauma, fear, and wounding, perhaps causing us to run the other way in the face of this powerful all consuming love. We seek it out and yet we run when is gets to close to us. Or we continually attract situations where the love isnt reciprocated or where we are being under appreciated and undervalued. Poor sweet Venus is being pulled quite fiercely in several directions now. All she wants is affection, harmony, to be love and be loved. To find love, beauty and abundance in her surroundings, her relationships, and her work. These aspects give us chance to help our Venusian selves breakthrough stuck patterns so that we can discover how to create this in our lives. We may be struggling with our need for deep connection, and our need for boundaries and feeling safe in relationship. We may be asking ourselves how can we allow ourselves to receive the most amazing powerful and transformative love, and still hold healthy boundaries? Can we receive love and abundance especially when its right in front of us instead of turning away in fear. Can we look this love straight into the eyes, and face our fears of abandonment, feelings of unworthiness, our traumas and our pain. Can we do all this and continually open to receive the life giving gift of love and abundance. Can we realize how worthy we are of all of it all.. money, love, happiness, passion, and affection. With Venus in Capricorn there is also a desire to find love in the work we are doing. Are we satisfied with our work? Are we bringing as much love and joy as possible into our work even if its not the work we ultimately want to be doing? And how can we take steps to move towards doing our work in the world and fulfilling our purpose with love, feeling full and energized from it. Another energy to point out is that after the conjunction, which will exact at around 1pm today, Venus will be in a new moon phase with Pluto. She is birthing out of the raw Darkness of Pluto and into the light again, with energy and power, but her experience is subjective, having some difficulty seeing the perspective of others outside herself, so we must practice this. Now is a time of initiating new ways to love and value ourselves and others. Its about learning new ways of giving and receiving. Its all an experiment though, and we may be somewhat impulsive in our actions, stumbling through different choices, directions and outcomes as they relate to relationship, money, and career. But this is all a process of discovery. When Venus goes retrograde we will be evaluating which of these new paths worked, and release the those that didnt. And when she turns direct again, we will be testing out these new pathways, as is the way of Capricorn, to make sure we have a solid foundation and understanding of giving and receiving in all aspects of our lives. Every time we take a step forward and make a different choice in our actions and how we relate to others and ourselves, we carve a new pathway in our beings, opening and activating places within ourselves that we didnt even know existed. The Universe responds by shifting our external reality to reflect in our inner changes. Visualizations and Metta style meditations are profound ways to shift our inner landscape, not as a means to avoid our darker side and challenging feelings, but as a means to cultivate how we want to feel and what we want to create. One of my favorite meditations is just simply practicing breathing in and receiving love. That feeling that we get when we first fall in love, or being in our favorite place, or doing what we love most in this life. And allow that to fill the entire body, expanding out beyond our physical bodies and into the space around us. Its important to drop in with ourselves about how safe we feel in this process, and only expand into where we feel safe. The more we practice, the safer we begin to feel with allowing more love in, helping us feel and dissolve our heartache and fears. With Venus in her New Moon phase with Pluto, and Capricorns persistence and focus, we can begin practices like these, planting these seeds of our intention, and watch ourselves and our life blossom into the beautiful creation we want it to be. Tomorrow night we have the Full Moon in Taurus, and much of what ive just shared will be the focus of this Venus ruled Full Moon. We get a double dose in matters love, self worth, and abundance. And soon after the Full Moon, on November 20th, Venus moves into her Shadow at 13 degrees Capricorn, which is the degree that she will retrograde to before stationing direct again. Retracing and Re-evaluating soon begins!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 17:01:15 +0000

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