RECOGNIZING THE BATTLE TO FIGHT One thing you should learn is - TopicsExpress


RECOGNIZING THE BATTLE TO FIGHT One thing you should learn is that, its not every battle that is worth fighting. Many challenges that comes our way are simply distraction to try to lure us from our destiny. When We have opportunities to get upset maybe somebody is talking about us, or a competitor at work spread rumours or our spouse say something that they should not have, you have to ask yourself; if I engage in this battle and spend my time and energy trying to straight somebody out, defending myself, arguing with a family member, trying to prove that am right, even if I win this battle what is the prize going to be? What is this fight going to accomplish? For instance that person that cut me off in traffic if I get upset and cut him back off and let that ruin the rest of my morning, how is that going to benefit me? I dont even know the person, 5minutes later they are not in my life. What is the point? If there are no spoils that is not a battle that is worth fighting. The reason many people are missing out on Gods best is they are distracted fighting battles that dont really matters, trying to prove themselves to people. Trying to win over all their critics, playing up to someone, trying to get their approval. Those are all distractions. We need to choose our battles wisely. We are not supposed to be in a fight mood all the time. Some people every other minute are upset with their spouse, aggravated at a neighbour, going to straight somebody out at the office, they are talking about me am going to show them how wrong they are. In the next 6 months that consumes them, their time, their energy. They dont realize that is not a battle worth fighting; there are not spoils. Even if they win, its not going to put them further down the road. If we make the mistake of engaging in every battle that comes along and we are constantly defending ourselves, proofing our points, straightening somebody out, then we are not going to have the energy that we need to fight the battle that do matters. We are supposed to be warriors, but a warrior doesnt just fight any battle, he only fight battles where there is a spoil. A battle that is between him and his God given destiny. Ask yourself: are the battle am engaged in worth fighting? Do they have any reward? Are they furthering me towards my God given destiny? Or am just fighting to pay somebody back that offended me? Or fighting to prove to someone that am important? Those are distractions, I dare say most of the frustrations that come our way are not worth fighting for if its not between you and your God given destiny. You should simply ignore it. Somebody dont want to be your friend, somebody doesnt accept you, that is not going to keep you from your destiny, somebody is rude to you at the office, somebody cut you off in Traffic, that is not worth starting WORLD WAR lll. Dont engage in that battle. In the big picture, it doesnt even matter. The battles that do matter will come, we need to save out strength, save our energy to what is truly Important. This days we are too easily offended we are too touched. Everybody is against me, everybody is talking about me. Everybody doesnt know you, everybody is not really interested. When you get distracted trying to prove your point you may end up hurting yourself
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 07:16:55 +0000

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