RECOMMENDED: This skeptical Youtube series on The Spirit Science - TopicsExpress


RECOMMENDED: This skeptical Youtube series on The Spirit Science website is HILARIOUS. You must watch it. And if you arent familiar with The Spirit Science: The Spirit Science is a website created by Jordan Duchnycz, a native of Winnipeg Canada. The site promotes a wide range of woo including but not limited to astral projection, chakras, crystal woo, orgone energy, quantum woo and sacred geometry. It would likely be easier to list the beliefs the Spirit Science does not adhere to. The Spirit Science is a conglomeration of nearly every piece of pseudoscience and pseudohistory you have ever heard of. The people of The Spirit Science believe that Martians came to Atlantis and began ruling the human population of Atlantis. They also believe that a part of the pyramids is a space warship that was used in 1989 to make all the greys get sick causing them to flee earth, and that there is a giant underground city under Egypt near the ship. A tunnel in Romania that goes to Egypt. And that there are 13 families that are descendants of the Martians that invaded Atlantis and are now secretly controlling the world and are essentially the Illuminati, except that the Illuminati are no longer the true (good, human) Illuminati, but actually a Catholic corruption of the Illuminati. And that Jews are aliens. No, really. Description from
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 22:33:20 +0000

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