RED ALERT Every summer we hope that the supply of food at - TopicsExpress


RED ALERT Every summer we hope that the supply of food at Amazing Grace Food Pantry will keep up with the need to help local families put food on their tables, but it just doesnt happen. Reluctantly, we again issue a RED ALERT. We are very grateful to many donors who have continued to be extraordinarily generous these past few months and there have been a number of terrific, well-timed food drives. Even with this wonderful support, some shelves in the pantrys storeroom are absolutely bare. The pantry has been serving more than 1,000 families every month and giving away 34-37,000 items of food every 30 days, enough to make 150,650 meals in six months from Jan-July 2014. The need is increasing, not decreasing. So we turn to our caring community - YOU - to help stock the shelves and to fill the shopping bags of those who come to Amazing Grace for some of their food. We are most in need of PEANUT BUTTER, TUNA FISH, HEARTY SOUPS, PASTA SAUCE, BAKED BEANS, PASTA, and SIDE DISHES (like mac and cheese, Rice-A-Roni, Pasta Roni, etc.) but all food items are gratefully accepted. And if you have excess GARDEN PRODUCE, we can put that to good use too. Delivery hours at Amazing Grace Food Pantry, which is located at 16 Stack Street in Middletowns North End (on the street behind Macdonough School), are from 10am - 5pm on Mon/Wed/Fri and on Saturdays from 9am - 1pm. Please call 860-347-3222 for more info or to make other delivery arrangements. Drive around to the back of the building where there are volunteers to assist you.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 14:55:24 +0000

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