REDEMPTION IN CHRIST JESUS ROMANS 3:24-26 24. Being - TopicsExpress


REDEMPTION IN CHRIST JESUS ROMANS 3:24-26 24. Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25. Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26. To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. There are some important terms in Verse 24.... 1.) Justified - To Be Declared Innocent Of All Charges.... 2.) Grace - The Love Of God Manifested To Us In Giving Us All The Blessings Of Relationship With Him Without Regard To Any Human Merit.... 3.) Redemption - Release From Legal Captivity Procured By Payment Of The Required Ransom Price.... Verse 24 tells us that our Redemption From The Bondage Of Sins Guilt.... Is Effected For Us By Gods Grace Alone..... Bringing Us Into A Position Of Justification.... Being Declared Innocent ((The Unlawful Deeds Never Occurred In Our Lives...God Says We Never Sinned))..... NOW..... We Can Look At The Last Three Words Of Verse 24..... ....... In Christ Jesus God says that this Perfect Redemption that was orchestrated by God...... Is Found No Where Else In All The Universe and No Where In Any Religion or Religious System or Religious Philosophy....... But this Perfect Redemption is found ONLY IN CHRIST JESUS...... The Jesus Of The Christian Bible.... Having Said That....... We Ask A Question...... How Does Jesus Christ Qualify To Be The Redemption Price Which God Paid To Free Us From Satans Legal Hold On Us.?? Notice Carefully Verse 25 and 26..... God says that He Set Jesus Christ Forth.... Set Him Forth.... Gave Him To The World..... Set Jesus On The Stage Of History...... For A Divine Purpose.... To Be The Propitiation Necessary That Would Allow God To REMIT...REMOVE...ERASE..... The Sins Of The World.!! Propitiation..... To Appease... Placate.... or Satisfy Then God says that this Propitiation Payment Which Satisfied The Just Demands Of Gods Law In Requiring The Death Penalty For Sin...... Is Validated Because Of The BLOOD Of Jesus Christ... Even The Muslims Accept The Supernatural Birth Of Jesus Christ By The Intervention Of God Upon The Womb Of The Virgin Mary.... But They Stop Short Of Understanding Why It Had To Be That Way.... The Perfect Redemption In Christ Jesus Is Valid Because...... His Blood Was Pure From The Taint Of Human Sin..!!! Jesus on Earth was 100% Human ((And God At The Same Time))..... Yet Without Sin.... His Blood Did Not Come From Joseph.... But rather from the Holy Ghost.... The Power Of God Overshadowed Mary..... Creating Jesus In Her Womb...... The Fact Is..... Jesus Christ Was Born Exactly Like The First Man Adam...... Without Sin..!!! He Lived A Human Live Free From Sin......... Then Took That Perfect Sinless Life and Laid It On A Cross....... Freely Taking Upon Himself The Guilt Of Our Sin...... Taking The Death Blow That Belonged To Us...... ((So That Verse 26 Can Now Be True........ So That God Can Be The Justifier Of Everyone Who Believes In Jesus.!!)) Putting Our Trust and Faith In The Sinless Blood Of Jesus That Was Offered As The Propitiation Price...... Paying The Ransom Demand..... To Redeem Us Back To God and Declare Us Clean and Pure and Righteous In His Sight.!!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:43:46 +0000

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